Troubles Brewing

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The girls and I walked through the hallways, politely staying silent as Sarah led the way. Her chatter knew no ends it seemed. Pointing out the various rooms and their purposes we eventually made our way to the cafeteria. Finding a small table that would fit all of us, I turned to the girls. "Ok, my treat today, what do you all want?" They excitedly all piped up their choices as I smiled and turned to walk towards the food stall. I felt several eyes on me as I strode towards the cafeteria. Ok, I stuck out. I am a master's student, which meant not wearing a uniform would have made me a little conspicuous. Calmly gathering the girls' food, I paid and went back to the table.

An air of nervousness hung around the girls due to the unexpected presence of a young man sitting with them. Electricity sparkled in my blood as I saw him lean towards Vanessa. I quickened my pace, placing the food tray down firmly as I faced him. He was wearing a football jersey with the university logo on it, a devious glimmer in his blue eyes, with the stereotypical 'brodry' hairdo. Oh boy, here we go.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The boy says in a sickening tone as he looks me up and down. He tried his best to seem powerful, but some of his confidence withered as he took me in. I straightened out as I replied, "Someone who's wondering why you're in my seat."

Surprise flashed across his features before a perverted smile stretched across his lips. Yuck. "Oh my apologies, I wouldn't want to steal a lady's seat. I'm Loan by the way, Loan Huxley." He said as he moved away from my seat, and Vanessa. Huxley eh? I knew something was off about this little twerp. So he's a Templar too? Oh how the mighty have fallen. I took a few steps towards him before staring him down then taking my seat. The baby Templar then switches targets; leaning in towards me. This should be interesting.

"I didn't get your name there sweet cheeks. What brings you to Mystery Spell?" I roll my eyes before staring him down once more.

"Why the 20 questions playboy? You're putting me off my food." I curtly reply before turning back to the table in an effort to give the pest the cold shoulder. Unluckily for me, he seems to be rather naïve to rejection.

"Awww why so cold baby? Can you blame me for being drawn to a pretty girl like you?" He leans in towards me, his face inches from mine. Wincing at the overpowering scent of axe body spray, I stand up abruptly, causing him to straighten up.

"What's your deal Huxley? If I wanted a daily dose of herpes, then I might have called you over but for now, can you let us eat without wanting to gag on your cologne?" His eyes flash with anger, then a strange mix of arousal and fear.

"Ohohohoh I like a girl with attitude! What'd ya say to us getting to know each other a little better?" He comes in closer, attempting to put his hands around my waist. Ok Templar, you wanna play? Let's play. Pushing him firmly backwards, I stalk towards him as he stumbles backwards.

"Fine, I'm here to get my masters while working for the police department here. I've been called to investigate some disappearances in the area. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" Again he looks surprised before a tense look crosses his features.

"Some things aren't meant to be asked little lady." He says tersely as I raise an eyebrow in response.

"Oh but I'm an investigator, it's my job to ask questions. And something tells me that you'd know a lot about a number of young ladies that have gone missing around town. You might even be involved..." I asked in a lowered tone, causing him to snap.

"You've got it all wrong lady! And next time maybe reign it in before accusing the star of the school!" He yells, puffing out his chest, causing me to burst out laughing.

"Is that meant to scare me? I've dealt with far worse than the likes of you. And listen 'star of the school'..." I say in a mocking tone, "Before you go telling ME to reign it in, keep your paws to yourself. You never know, you might find yourself in trouble for harassing girls..." My eyes quickly flick over to Vanessa before staring him down once again.

"Watch your back Huxley..." I say in a dangerously low tone before making my way back to the table. As the quarterback storms off I notice most of the people in the cafeteria, including my lunchtime companions, are watching me intensely. Ok so I could have been more discreet, but no one endangers my Vanessa. I take my place and address the group. "Sorry about that..."

"Why on earth are you sorry?!" Audrey exclaims.

"You are officially my favourite person..." Elise says, a big smile adorning her features.

"Thank you so much for dealing with him..." Vanessa says in a quiet voice, giving me a small smile. I smile back at them.

"I take it he's not so much the star of the school as he makes out?" I ask, causing all five girls to collectively roll their eyes.

"More like star flirt. Loan is quarterback of the university's football team, thinks he's untouchable." Sarah explains in an exasperated tone. I nod in an understanding fashion.

"I know the type, dealt with a lot of them as a police officer." The other girls' eyes widen as Sarah continues.

"I'm surprised though, usually what girls say to him goes in one ear and out the other. You looked like you made an impact..." she watches me curiously, waiting for an explanation.

I chuckle before continuing. "I'm nearly thirty, I've dealt with a lot of Casanovas in my time. He's no different from suspects who try to flirt their way out of trouble." My statement causes quite a bit of chatter as all the girls start talking at once.

"Wow! You look so much younger..."

"You must know so much! I'd love to know more about it..."

All the while Vanessa just sits there smiling at me. Now I may be a 900 year old warrior, but knowing my niece looks up to me does warm my heart. Reinvigorated, I speak up.

"Ladies, ladies please, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, may I remind you that our food is getting cold! I will answer your questions later." I say as we all begin to tuck in.

After our plates were clean, we made our way back into the halls of the university. I turned to the girls and asked "so do you guys have any classes left for today or are you done?" All the girls nodded, sighing deeply, aside from Vanessa. I smiled at her.

"Me neither, did you want a lift home?" I ask, causing her beautiful features to break out into a smile. My heart pangs as I thought of the girl I lost in England.

"I'd love to Elektra." I nodded, smiling gently at her, before turning to the others.

"See you all around, we should do lunch again!" I call out as the others went off to their respective classes. Turning to Vanessa, I remarked "you'll have to show me the way, I'm still a little new here." She smiles back at me. Walking down the hallways, she pipes up.

"Thanks again for dealing with Loan, he really is a pain sometimes." I stiffen up at the Templar's name. I'm only slightly thankful that she doesn't know that his ancestor killed her mother.

"If he ever gives you trouble again, you come straight to me ok? In fact..." I take a piece of paper out of a scrapbook and start writing my number on it. "...Call me if he does. That Huxley boy seems like a nasty piece of work..."

"Talking about me ladies?" A womanizing drawl calls out to us at the end of the corridor. Vanessa stiffens as I turn to face the same Huxley at lunchtime.

"Let's pick up where we left off shall we?" He and four of his buddies snicker as they start to walk towards us. Electricity again begins to sparkle through my veins. This could get ugly...

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