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I have caught Shawn looking at me about 6 times today. I would just smile or wink back at him. I never expected him to be my boyfriend. It feels weird, I don't normally date someone. I just fuck. I wouldn't consider myself as a fuck boy, that's Jack. Cameron, Nash, and I were sent out to put up a poster so the teachers don't have to do it over spring break. Lazy bitches. "Here, you two hold it while I staple it." Nash says holding the poster with both of his hands. I hold one side while Cameron holds the other side. Nash staples it , and moves back to look at it. "Straight ,and Perfect." He says proud of his work. Me not being able to shut up , I say "so the opposite of you."

Nash gasped , I look over at Cameron and see he was trying not to laugh. "Don't listen to him ,baby. I mean that's half right but, you're perfect to me." He said pulling him close to his chest. (Just say Nash is shorter than Cameron) Nash wrapped his arms around Cameron while I just stood there. Would Shawn ,and I be all cuddly like them? Or horny like them , these two can't keep their hands off each other. Maybe that's why Cameron is sick of it.

We walk to class slowly since we didn't want to deal with the teacher's bullshit. Once we went inside the whole 7th hour turned to us. "Thank you now sit down." The teacher orders as we go to our tables. I look up at the time and see we have 3 minutes left. I rest my head on the table ,just waiting to leave this hell hole for a week. I wonder if Shawn is busy this week. Those three minutes came faster than expected so as soon as I heard the bell I rushed out. I keep running until I bump into someone making him fall down. I look down to see Shawn ,I swear I didn't plan this. He began to pick up his things. I sigh ,and help him pick up the papers he dropped. "I was heading to my locker ,before you bumped into me." He explains standing up. I walk with him to his locker, waiting for him to put his locker code in. "Thanks...friend." He giggled, shook his head and quickly stopped.

I laugh , and close his locker. I lean against the locker , and watch Shawn put on his backpack. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable, "what? I can't look at my new boyfriend." I say whispering the last part in case someone was around to hear us. He blushed, and put his hands to his face. "I'm not use to that." He admits. Matt ,and Aaron decided to ruin the moment and approach us. "Hurry!" Matt said. I look at him, and roll my eyes. "Don't." Shawn warns. Matt acted like I wasn't even there. Asshole. "Well see you later." Shawn said walking off with Aaron, and Matt. I know I said I don't want anyone to know ,but he should have at least gave me a hug goodbye. I'm so pathetic ,getting upset because Shawn didn't give me a hug. I just want to go home , and sleep for the rest of the day.


I unlock my door , and hurry to the kitchen. I look through the cabinets ,looking for some type of snacks. I had no idea where my family was , but I'm going to guess their okay. Great son ,I am. I found a bag of goldfish so I grabbed it ,then went to the living room. I noticed the note on the coffee table.

Working late, Tristen is out with Jordan and Kellie. Love you ~Mom and Dad

Great. I'm home alone for who knows how long. I take out my phone to waste time. I was going to text Cameron, but I remembered his plans for this week. I can try, but I sure as hell know I won't be getting a response. I could text the Jacks ,but I heard them talk about leaving after school for a family vacation with both of their families. Hayes might be with friends since Nash is home alone. Point is all my friends are busy. Shawn isn't busy unless he's with those 2 cock blockers. I decided to text him anyways and he didn't hesitate to answer.

Tay- Hey babe
Shawn- damn giving me nicknames already
Tay- guess so babe unless you don't like them I'll stop
Shawn- haha Taylor it's okay I was jk call me whatever you want. Unless it's something rude then please don't.
Tay- your so weird of course I'm not gonna call you something rude idiot
Tay- OK I did that on purpose your not an idiot your a kitty
Shawn- a kitty? Are you high
Tay- maybe you don't know unless you come over.
Shawn- damn I just saw you and you already want me to come over. You are obsessed with me......I'm on my way.

||No POV||

It wasn't long before Shawn approached Taylor's house. Taylor sat on his front porch eating cookies. Shawn stood in front of him looking down at Taylor. "Hey." Taylor looked up at him , and helped himself up. "Hi , haven't seen you in years." Taylor jokes before giving Shawn a side hug. Shawn slightly laughed as he followed him inside. Shawn admired the familiar home as he walked in. He never thought he'd be back in this house. He also thought about finally meeting his parents since they were gone last time.

"Hope you don't mind ,but we're going to be home alone for a while. My siblings might be here soon." Taylor explains going on Netflix to play a movie. Shawn examined every family picture they had ,before turning to Taylor. "I don't mind." Taylor motioned him to the couch as he put on a random movie. Which happened to be "The Boy in The Striped Pajamas". They both sat down ,but not to close since they were still on the awkward stage in their relationship. I mean it was the first day of their relationship so they didn't know how to act around each other.

At the end of the movie ,Shawn was in tears. "Bruno doesn't deserve that." Shawn cried. Taylor pulled him close thinking that was the right thing to do. "It's just a movie, Shawn. I mean stuff like that did happen ,but- Never mind." Taylor said realizing he was making the situation worse. Shawn wiped his tears, and looked over at Taylor. "I can't handle sad movies." He admits, "I can tell." Shawn didn't care at this moment ,he began to cuddle with Taylor. They both felt like they have been dating for years even if they're both kind of awkward at times. "I'm so glad we were chosen as partners." Shawn said before kissing Taylor's cheek.


Kind of short ,but whatever. I have no homework so I'm going to work on some more chapters for this one and my other 2.

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