2. the first-aid station

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Monty ran the x-Ray machine on the girl's ribs. Said machine confirmed she had cracked ribs. To help with the pain and prevent any more damage, Monty put her in a back brace, preventing damaging movements. She didn't like it, but decided it's best not to complain.
"I know you don't like it, but you have to leave it on. It'll help with the pain, and prevent any more injuries." Monty explained
The girl just grumbled at the back brace, she agreed and thanked him for helping her.
"No prob, kid. Let's go." Monty replied, picking her up
Monty carried her all the way back to the stage area. Looking around, they saw no one. Her family had left her behind again. She got down and crossed her arms. She looked angry yet heart broken at the same time. Roxanne came up behind them.
"Hey! You that missing girl?" She asked as she looked at the girl dead in the eyes
"Missing? I was in the first-aid station." The girl responded
"Some idiot cracked a couple ribs. I thought you heard me say I was bringing her to first-aid." Monty said
Roxanne just looked at him blankly before looking at the girl. She picked her up aggressively and started walking away. The aggression surprised Monty, causing him to snarl. Roxy turned around to see him look angrier than ever. She slowly put the kid down and backed away. Monty's mood changed extremely quick after that, he no longer had clenched fists and angry eyes. Instead, he was calm and relaxed. He put a hand out to the girl, signaling that everything's okay. She grabbed his hand and he picked her up with zero effort.
"Lets get you to the doors." He said, looking down at her
She nodded in response. As he was carrying her to the exit, a white rabbit came out of no where.

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