chapter 2

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I begin to sit down on the bench next to tubbo to watch the sunset, tubbo leans on my shoulder and watches the pink and orange skys and clouds,
25 minutes later
I wake up tubbo and get him up so we can get home, it's dark. He wakes up and begins walking home with me, my keys jingle as I put them through the key hole in the door, tubbo runs up to his room I sit in the living room. And turn on the tv, I was beginning to get tired so I sat up and walked upstairs to go to sleep, I walked into my bedroom and something didnt feel right, I didnt care, I went to sleep, "STOP STOP STOP RANBOO PLEASE!" I open my eyes, I'm standing up? Its tubbo, he's crying curled up in a corner, I have a kinfe?!
" I drop the knife and almost hit my foot, I bend down and hug tubbo, I guess I was ender walking again. It keeps getting worse. "Tubbo I would never actually mean to hurt you." I grab the knife and go back to the kitchen to put it away, I tell tubbo to hide anything dangerous incase anything happens again I go back to sleep and realised, if I would've woke up tubbo would've been dead. I thought to myself I should move out. The last thing I want to do is hurt tubbo.
I get up and put new clothes on and walk to tubbos room, he's still sleeping? I knew what happened last night so I thought I would wake him up once breakfast is ready, I get a pan out and start making eggs, i put them on the island and then walked back upstairs to wake up tubbo, i walk into his room and wake him up " breakfast tubbo" I say, he gets up and walks downstairs, I sit at the kitchen island next to him and say "listen. Uh, tubbo. It's better for me to, move out." He looks at me with wide eyes, "what? Why!?" I can see he's getting sad. "I almost killed you last night. I dont want to hurt you."
"But you didnt kill me!" I can tell he's tearing up, he knows I'll move far away if he let's me leave. "But tubbo. If I didnt wake up. I would be in court right now an-" tubbo starts crying. "But you didnt ranboo!" He hugs me, I hug him back and walk upstairs, I guess I wouldn't leave, my door doesn't have a lock because of another enderwalking incident we dont talk about, I'll just put a chair in front of it. Tubbo runs in and hugs me, I basically fall "dont leave!" He says "I wasnt going to."

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