Prompt #2 - Hell

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Honestly, my falling into Hell was no surprise. A life of mischief, crime, and wrongdoings all lead to this moment in which I would drop to the deepest depths of the universe. I'd always been fine with warm temperatures, I was sure I would be fine in this overheated place.

"Geez," I whispered to myself, tugging at the skimpy, deep blue, sequin-infused dress I'd died in, "I wish that Hell had a couple more outfit options for me to put on... Wishful thinking, I suppose."

Stumbling around in my six-inch black heels, I wandered around for a small amount of time. The dirt on the ground was a deep red color, not unlike blood. The sky was a lighter crimson, and a strange-looking sun glowed in the sky with pinkish-red beams of light emitting from it. Overall, Hell was nothing like I would imagine it. To me, it seemed like eternal damnation wouldn't be too awfully terrible.

"Hey, you!" A female called out to me. I turned my head to the direction in which the voice originated from, and my eyes finally landed on a girl who was cloaked in a shroud of darkness. I pointed to my chest as if to say, 'Who, me?' and the woman nodded. She waved me towards her, in which I followed.

The woman walked in front of me, leading me towards a large tower that appeared to be in the middle of Hell. Why she was leading me there I didn't know, but for some reason, I felt compelled to follow her.

"Hey, who are you?" I called out to her, "My name is Heather Whitter... Is there something that you wanted to show me?"

"I cannot answer either of your questions, young lady, but all of your questions will be answered in good time," The woman spoke soft and soothingly. From what I could tell, she was the kind of person who could manipulate others easily without another thought.

Instead of questioning the woman, I decided to follow silently until we reached the tower. We practically sprinted to the entrance at the pace the other female was walking at, and waltzed through the door. As we passed, demons bowed to us. 'Is the woman in front of me of some sort of importance?' I asked myself, 'Is she Hellish Royalty or something?'

"Now, little miss, we shall judge you to see where you belong to in Hell," The woman's voice broke me out of my thoughts. She pulled off her cloak, revealing a beautiful young woman with her beautiful locks of curling black hair that reached her lower back, her deep crimson eyes, her glowing black dress, and every single one of her features. A feeling of recognition rushed through me, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Do you know who I am yet, Heather Whitter?" She spoke softly, causing me to relax once more, though I did not know the reason. However, as I scanned my mind for the possibilities of who this odd girl might be, I thought of something- It was only a slight possibility, but from the demon's reactions when we entered the room, I felt that she must be...

"Are you Lucifer?" I asked her, my sky blue eyes boring into her red ones for an answer.

With a small laugh, she grinned, "Please, call me Lucy," She continued after a slight pause, "Now, shall we see where you belong in Hell?"

I nodded and allowed her to place her hand on my head. A glowing scarlet light surrounded me and Lucifer combed through my memories and decided on the place I would live out my eternity in. Though I knew I wouldn't have any choice in where I went, I felt oddly accepting of my fate.

Finally, the crimson light ceased it's glowing and Lucy gave me a look of amazement.

"It seems... I should welcome you, Heather, future Queen of Hell... And my daughter."



I stared down the barrel of a gun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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