The Planet Danaar

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The Planet Danaar, has golden brown earth, and blue skies. There are rocks the colour of dried blood, which support yellow-white plants through the harsh sandstorms that ravish the surface. Sometimes more rocks fall from the heavens. They are tan coloured things on which no plant will grow.

There is little to see on Danaar. It's people, nomads, I, myself am one of them. I am Hirjunn. I look like all my kin. On Danaar, to say that one resembles another is a great compliment. It's a way of saying that Bloodfountain lineage is alive within you.

The Bloodfountain is the only monument of importance here. A simple fountain, a raised bowl with etchings worn smooth through the passage of time. It resides within a carvern along the Crudelash mountain range. Carved from a white stone that that is not found on Danaar, the bloodfountain contains a pool of blood that gurgles as it continually cycles through its inner workings. Its contents as fresh as the day they were spilled.

Few people still live on Danaar. Our population, once sustained itself, fell from grace following decades of attacks by an advanced race of pale-skinned fiends. These monsters would appear from shadows that erupted from thin air, erasing whole villages in their wake. It seemed as if all human presence on Danaar would be swallowed by these nightmarish beings.

Our deliverance came, like rain from the sky. Hard red drops of blood crashed to the ground and giant warriors emerging from within. Instantly we knew they were our kin, and yet they were gods compared to the frail beings we had become. They pushed back against the fiends that were draining the life from Danaar, and they offered us a chance at retribution.

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