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Newt dies and ends up in beacon hills where he meets someone very famous.


=POV Newt=

I land on the ground with a hard thud. I scramble to my feet.

"What?" I mumble.

I stare at my hands. No sign of blood or anything. I pull up my sleeve. You can see the scars on my skin but nothing else. The infection is gone.

I can feel where the knife was in my chest.

All I feel is a little bump

It seems like I've never had the flare.

Then I realize why I'm probably here.

I died

I look around. To be honest I expected something more than a forest in death. But I like the forest, so it doesn't matter.

"HEY!" I shout as hard as I can. But there doesn't seem to be anyone around.

I start walking. I walk for about half an hour and then the forest gets lighter. Until I finally get to a road. I start to follow the road.

The moment I see a sign: Becon hills. After walking for some time it starts to rain. I look up.

Rain. It's been a long time since I've had real rest. In the maze, the rain always calmed me down. I feel the cold drops run down my face. The last time I felt like this was with Thomas.

Thomas... he must have hated it. I still can't believe we got engaged...were. He asked me when I knew I had the flare. But I couldn't say no to him. He seemed so happy. I play with the gold ring on my finger. If only we had more time...

"Hey you over there!" there is someone screaming at me.

I look around as a group of teenagers are standing in front of me.

"What are you doing?" asks a girl with brown hair.

"Enjoying the rain." I say calmly. My head turns to the sky again and I close my eyes again.

"Who likes rain? it's cold and wet. And if you have to enjoy the rain so badly why at 03:06 AM? Who does that?" asks a boy with blond hair.

"Someone who has been way too busy and now finally has some peace." I answer.

"Hey, come with us." Says a girl with strawberry blond hair. In one way or another she seems to need some rest too.

"Okay." I say. What else do I have to do?

She smiles and they start walking. I enjoy the silence. The only sounds are my steps and the footsteps of the teenagers behind me.

"Why are you walking so fast?" the girl asks again

"Oh sorry but it's been a long time since I could walk without pain. Or run... run, I think I'm going to run," I half say to her and to myself

I start to take big steps and sprint ahead. It's delicious. The wind through my hair. I can understand why Minho found it so soothing in the maze. When I runned like a kilometer I turn around again.

Try something. See if I can still do it. I focus. I push myself against the ground. I do a somersault and land smoothly back to the ground. I haven't done that for far too long.

After a few more flips and a skip or 2 I run back to the teens. If I see them again. They run towards me.

"What the hell do you think you were doing." Says the blond boy again.

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