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"Well, then. Men and woman, aboard this ship with me, I would like you to celebrate with me, as we arrive on Venus in less than an hour." A shorter woman spoke, up atop a pedestal. Her skin the color and shade of a deep forest walnut wood, her dress matched the color of its sun lit leaves on a Martian summer day.

About her, the crowd of passengers, and crew, cheered for their arrival, which had then been nearly one and a half years of riding in a cargo ship. Tracking supplies, and delivering to other space wielding vessels in their fleet. Erimov CV0029 was their ships name. Lead by the heir to the mayor of their new town.

A town that will scrape the sky it was called. Plans for large concrete towers, which housed colling mechanisms, to cool the molten planet and use its existing chemicals to create a livable circle of atmosphere and temperature with two years., shielded by the mountains of Venus and creating large lakes and ponds to use once the ones on the cargo ships deplete.

So many advancements had lead up to this moment. The creation of atoms and molecules, allowed for exact recreation of any object to the exact state and properties it had before. Currently this type of machine was what mankind had been fascinated with since its discovery. "Like the computers of the old world, or the internet." Everyone said, that was the new devices. So much so refined to near perfection, that one scientist had once scanned a field mouse, a few months before the takeoff to Venus. The man then spent time teaching to mouse to not be afraid of him, and able to climb onto his hand and tickle his nose to the mans. Scanning the mouse and copying it every day he worked with it. To one day kill the mouse. Then press a button, and watch as it appeared before him, and remembered to run up his hand and arm, and tickle him nose to nose.

Immortality had basically been achieved, but when tested, the amount of memory, and capacity one could hold, and the state of their body and mind, only got worse after every reappearance. Until one man, after him one hundred and seventh time being rebuilt by one of the new copy machines, had become not much more than a shell of skin and bone, and blood, and muscles. Unable to speak, and hear, and barely able to move.

People arrived in thousands, to gather around various windows, of various ships, as they began to orbit the planet.

"Let construction of the first tower. Begin" Spoke again the woman in green, this time shouting in excitement. She watched as food was passed around, frozen was thawed and fresh was chemically made. Spread across a great table within the hull of their delivery ship, in charge of leading all delivery.

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