3 - Echo - Secrets Untold

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There was a soft cry heard thought the entirety of town, there wasn't at least one soul that morning that mourned or wept even a little. The streets were ablaze and enraged in commotion and questions, what had happened, where did they go. Three members of the city had disappeared over night, Cobar, Zyla, and a woman by the name of Fray, she was the biggest mystery. And to make matters even worse the goddess had gone silent, her disciples, and spokes persons had nothing to say. Three members of the city had gone missing a night before, but it felt like four.

Shops were barely visited, goods were rarely sold, it had been a while since anyone had vanished, and still no explanation to any. The repair crew didn't seem to care, they continued to work as if no one was gone, as if nothing happened.

"Those selfish workers, always thinking they're better then, getting to view the outside word, apparently risking their lives for us, stupid, rotten crew, we could do with less of them." She was mad, her tone of voice often spoke more than her words, but this as anger, and peace, she never liked the rude, impure, impatient, she was picky. Destry was her name, a mother of two, married and comfortably living in a large blue home close to the industrial side of town. She was a hard worker, her husband equally so. Both slaved away as harvesters, there was a small patch of vegetables that constantly grew due to technology, it was them who had to pick it. Not the hardest work, but definitely easier than sitting on a balcony outside with a whiskey, putting a dollop of paint on a wall every so often.

Her second child, female, young, only seven now, spoke. "Why do you hate them all mommy, they didn't do anything to you?" she was always optimistic and nice to anyone she bumped into, much nicer than her parents and sibling could ever hope to be.

"Uhg, didn't you listen to anything mom said, they think they're better than us for doing nothing, we however help provide food, are nice to the locals, and wish well upon others." This of course was the eldest sibling, also young but considered themselves an adult since the time they turned ten. She didn't just follow her parents' footsteps, she traced them precisely.

The mom smiled as she put a bare of tall, thick, leather boots on, it was almost time for work. "that's exactly right Lidia, and we don't tolerate those above or below us now do we, we can all be equals in the wall, even if it takes a better family like us to show others how." Not this exactly but, something of the sorts to that, was almost her catchphrase, she said it at least once a day. To Lilith the youngest daughter, it felt almost religious in a twisted way when her mother said these words.

Lilith always felt like everyone in the wall was at least a little picky and disturbed by others. Peace in the wall, equality, she heard it all before, the only ones who seemed to be bitches about society were the ones who had seen the outside, and she had seen the outside.

It was not quite half a year ago now, one of Lilith's friends, a repair man for the wall, had offered to take her outside.

"don't worry its safe I promise, I wouldn't let it hurt you even if it could, I promise." His voice was higher itched then most men, he was fairly short as well, and to complete the look he had a head full of medium length blond hairs, and deep gorgeous blue eyes. Eyes she could trust.

Of course, she wanted to go, she didn't start work for another three years, she had to make to most of her short time left. "Of course, of course I want to go, I want to see the world, and the animals, and the mountains, and the-". She was cut off, had she been too excited, had she been too loud.

"Hush, we can't let others know, they're going to want to go out there too, you're not supposed to go out there you know. Keep it down." He chuckled, "alright tomorrow morning then, make sure to ask you mom if you can come visit me, tell her I have the day off." It was a simple plan, it would work. It would work as long as she wanted it to. It just had to stay a secret.

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