Prologue - 14 Years Ago

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A road filled with the sounds of engines, all the way from stock to incredibly built up. A flurry of furry faces in cars that look and sound like a beast was trapped and tamed to be used like wild horses. Police followed close behind as they tried their best to stop the overly modified machines thundering down the long windy road to Dune City, a place full of anthropomorphic animals hidden by the government but no one to govern them besides themselves. That all changes when someone ruins the peace they had, the city is no longer hidden as the government no longer existed.

3 Years Later-R.T.F. Formed and a new government formed

It didn't take long for the existing and newly made animals to come up with their government that went hand in hand with the already existing laws of the past world. The streets were still filled with racers, normal citizens, law enforcement, and government agencies. Street racers were a rare thing in today's world as all the lineage died out except for a few that have either been in hiding or have been heavily monitored. There were a few street racers who quit and became a part of the R.T.F. and they are publicly ridiculed for betraying their own, some were even killed for it as there was one thing that no one in this town liked and that was a traitor.

10 Years Later-The R.T.F. was losing funding as they started arresting anyone who had been a part of the racing lineage

Everything was getting peaceful, the police were getting smarter but corrupt and the criminals were getting quieter but eventually, the police got so corrupt that you couldn't look around a corner without someone being robbed and a police officer doing nothing about it. There were some officers who tried to do justice and keep the peace but most were silenced and none were heard. People were getting arrested for just being around suspected street racers even if they were innocent from the start, children saw their parents being taken away without them knowing what was happening or why it was happening.

1 Year Later-[Redacted] Suspicious Government Movement

You were sitting on your couch watching TV as your parents were arguing over what car to get you for your birthday and they weren't very good at it. Your one living arm was contrasted by your advanced robotic arm which was very well hidden as you had always worn a long sleeve shirt, the arm has been there ever since you could remember. But sudden;y knocking was heard at the front door which was what stopped your parents from arguing as they both looked at the door and you went to go put a shirt on so you could hide your arm, the knocking became more adamant as they finally announced themselves "This is the R.T.F.!, open the door immediately!" The sound of these men made your parents freeze up as the door was kicked in and your parensts were taken into custody after they hid you from the corrupt officers, leaving you alone and the only place for you to go was to the autoshop that your fathers parents owned in hopes that they would take you in.

A/N: That's all for now I will write more in the future, if there's any mistakes I made spelling-wise then don't be afraid to tell me.

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