1.the start

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Better opportunities

Is the reason we moved, whether or not that is true is yet to be confirmed. My dear mother moved to New York when I was eight years old, she had a new job offer which soon became her top and only priority, my dad on the other hand was and is the purest man to walk this earth but like all good things mum pushed him out. Unfortunately, mothers win custody ninety per cent of the time so I'm stuck with her.

It's not all bad, bad- yes but not terrible. One person disintegrates the terrible things to dust and that annoying yet adorable human is Ezra motherfucking Silver.

Silver, fuckface, my escape is my greatest friend he's always been there, always. There are too many examples but I'll tell you how we met- it was my first day of school and I had no friends, completely alone and although making friends now is no longer an issue back then I had the worst stutter. The worst thing about it was the fact that it would happen randomly and that meant it would happen on the worst times, so in recess, I mustered up the courage to talk to the popular girls: Hayley, Allision and Gemma also known as HAGs.When I approached them I started stuttering and they laughed excessively so I didn't talk for three days.

I ended up talking but barely and only to Ezra as he was the only one who actually tried to talk to me. The rest of the kids thought the stutter was contagious so non of them dared. And that's how I met him ever since that day we've been inseparable.

I and Ezra often get called Tezra and it's the most annoying thing ever because we both love each other but strictly platonically. Yes, his ink-black hair rests in a perfect swoop on his head, his face completely symmetrical, jaw chiselled, his dark eyes have a certain glow to them which make it impossible to turn him down and his body is lean yet broad and in the centre has a beautifully toned six-pack and a prominent v-line but we are just friends and we will never be anything but friends.

yayyy first chapter is done ✔️
hopefully, you all enjoyed it:)
don't forget to vote!
love ya
word count:410

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