14. realisations

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I tell Adam about how Ezra tried to rape me and how that all went down. "I'm going to mess him up when I see him. why do guys think that's ok Talia I'm so sorry," he says.

Once the  game starts Harris puts his arms around my waist. I hold him closer to me and he kisses my head making butterflies flutter in my stomach. I'm so glad the lights are off so no one can see how flustered I get by this small act. How giddy I get just by his touch when it's supposed to be the thing I hate because I hate him.
I do, just a little less.

"You wanna go fuck him up now?" Kai asks gaining my full attention.
I furrow my eyebrows at him and he grins "I'm not joking T," he says and I remember the days we used to hook up. T, the name he used to call me brings a smile to my face as I remember the memories we share.
He looks at me for an answer but I can't help but be mesmerised by how stupidly hot he is. His skin is a delicious shade of melanin that has a natural glow resembling his kind-hearted nature. He has a calm aura to him that instantly makes him attractive.

"Let's do it," Harris says and heads for the door with a bat.

"No," I say surprising myself.

They all turn to look at me in utter confusion.

"Look I want to beat his arse but if I do I'll be just as bad as him and I don't want that on my conscience," I tell them and after exchanging looms with each other Harris swears and tells everyone to leave. They listen and he closes the apartment door.

"I'm so confused a more," he says in a gentle tone.
So am I.

"Do you still love him-" I shake my head "do you feel like it's your fault? I need you to tell me because I want to end that mother-" I get up and wrap my arms around him. He tenses but returns the embrace.

She gets up and hugs me, stopping me from continuing my sentence. I'm surprised and not sure if this is real but when I realise she's not a daydream and that she's hugging me I hug her back.

"Amore?" I ask and she lifts her head to look at me with tears in her eyes.

I want to comfort her so bad but if I say something wrong.?
No shut up and be there for her.

I pull her towards me and she mumbles " he was drunk he didn't know," I told you she's an angel.

She tells me everything about that night trying to justify what he did instead it just proves that he tried to get her drunk and rape her.

"You see? The alcohol made him do it," she says taking a seat on the couch.

"No Talia he tried to rape you." she shakes her head. "Amore listen he was sober when he let you drink the bottle am I right?" she thinks and nods. "When he forcefully kissed you was the bottle empty?" she shakes her head. "He was sober love," I tell her in the gentlest tone I have ever talked in.

She starts shaking all over. Shit. I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder she flinches. My fucking heart yearns for her.
"I fucking trusted him, Harris," she says.
"Harris? I'm going to hug you but please don't touch me not until I allow you," she tells me and I nod as if I wasn't going to do exactly that.

She walks up to me and hugs me she closes her eyes and lets the tears fall. "You can hug me back now," she instructs and I do so. I wrap my arms around her and she melts in them. She breaks down and says "grazie," [thank you]

"qualsiasi cosa per the," [anything for you] I whisper and she wipes out the tears and kisses me. It's a brief sweet kiss. I taste the salt from her tears and she lays on my chest.

"Stay with me," she says.

"Always amore," I say and she curls up into a ball against me and drifts off to sleep.

I can't sleep. I don't think I'll be able to until I know with all my heart that she's ok. She twists and turns in my arms so I carry her bridal style to her bed. As I'm about to let her sleep by going into my bed she grabs my hand.
She pulls the blanket off her and taps the empty side of the bed.
"Don't go please," she mumbles before closing her eyes.

I listen to her and respect her privacy by sleeping without her duvet. It gets cold and I'm tempted to share the duvet but I don't knowing that she might not be comfortable with it.

I wake up to Harris shivering and curled up in a ball beside me.He didn't share the duvet.
A smile forms on my lips as I cover him with my duvet. He mumbles what I think is a thank you and falls back into a deep sleep.

I try to do the same but it seems impossible. In my head the realisation that Ezra wasn't drunk when he tried to rape me consumes me. I still don't think he's a bad person I can't I've known him too long but what I do know is that we will never go back to being friends and at that a part of me is relieved.

"Why are you not asleep?" Harris asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Just thinking," I tell him and he shakes his head.

He sits up and says "What Ezra did us fucked and know that as long as I'm alive I won't let anything happen to you,"

I smile at him "thanks amore," and lean back on the backboard.

He stares at me not saying a word. "What?"

"Just admiring the beauty," he says making me melt into his arms. I kiss him, something that has become normal to us yet still turns me on.

His phone vibrates. "What the fuck do you want?" he asks.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Ok, one second," he tells the person on the phone and asks me "amore do you want to come to the party?"

"Ooooooo amoreee," the voice says making it clear who the person is, Kai.

I smirk at Kai's reaction and nod at Harris. "Ok, we'll come," Harris says hanging up.
"The party is at Kai's, do you need clothes?" he asks and I get out of bed to check.

She checks her wardrobe if she has any clothes and when she gets up from the bed I can't help but check her out. I take a quick glance but then return my gaze to the wall with a smile on my face.

She must have seen me through the mirror because she lifts her t-shirt revealing the black laced underwear that I bought her.

"Amore," I warn her and she looks me dead in the eye through the mirror and pulls her underwear up so her arse is almost showing.
I'm gobsmacked. I groan and she smiles in accomplishment.

"Shit I have no clothes here but I have really nice dresses at my mum's house," she states looking down. I get out of the bed and stand opposite her, lift her chin up
"Let's go to your mums?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I'm scared," she states and I realise how blind I am. I realise that her mum must not be a great person and offer to buy her some clothes. She refuses "No I need to face her sooner or late," she says and we go to the car.

In the car, I realise how cold it is and look to my left to see Talia shivering. I give her my jacket "you'll be cold," she says and I shake my head "I have the heating it's fine," I say and she hesitantly accepts the jacket. Despite warming up she still is shaking, she's nervous. Her leg bounces up and down but I stop it and keep my hand on her thigh. She holds my hand and squeezes it. I don't think she realises it but she does it three times, three squeezes.

hi loves
thank you for reading:)

Word count:1438

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