Tutoring 101

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*no ones Pov DJ was getting on Jackson about his grades slipping and told him that he needed a tutor and Jackson agreed to getting a tutor*

Jackson's Pov- hey amber can I ask you something?

Amber's Pov- hey Jackson! Sure whats up?

Jackson's Pov-uhhhh my grades are slipping and my mom thought it would be a good idea If I got a tutor and I was wondering if you could tutor me?

Amber's Pov-uhhhh sure I'll tutor you! 

Jackson's Pov-really?

Amber's pov-yeah really!

Jackson's Pov- do you think you could come over after school so you can start tutoring me?

Amber's Pov-uhhh sure! Let me tell my mom 

Jackson's Pov-great! Thank you so much amber!

Amber's Pov-no problem 

*timeskip to amber tutoring jackson*

Jackson's Pov-Hey Amber!

Amber's Pov-hey!

Jackson's Pov-I don't get it!

Amber's Pov- what is the first amendment 

Jackson's Pov-uhhhhh freedom of religion 

Amber's Pov-yes! That's correct! Nice work!

Jackson's Pov-thanks*Jackson kisses amber*

Amber's Pov-what was that for?

Jackson's Pov- uhhhhh I really like you amber I understand if you don't like me back *Amber kisses jackson*

Amber's Pov- I like you too *Jackson kisses amber*

Jackson's Pov- Amber will you be my girlfriend?

Amber's Pov- of course! *jackson kisses amber again*

* few weeks later*

Amber's Pov- Jackson there is something I need to tell you*amber's holding a pregnancy test*

Jackson's Pov-what is it?

Amber's Pov-ummmm I'm pregnant 

Jackson's Pov- really?!?!?

Amber's Pov-yeah you aren't mad?

Jackson's Pov- of course I'm not mad Amber I love you! 

Amber's Pov- I love you too but we are having a baby at 17

Jackson's Pov-yeah it might be tough but our parents can help 

Amber's Pov-yeah 

Jackson's Pov- we should probably tell our parents 

Amber's Pov-yeah before they find out for themselves 

Jackson's Pov-yeah 

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