First doctors appointment

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Amber's Pov- todays the day where jackson and I get to see our baby for the first time and to find out the due date 

Jackson's Pov- babe are you ready for the doctors?

Amber's Pov- yeah I am!

Jackson's Pov- me too

*amber and Jackson arrive at the doctors office*

Nurses' Pov- Amber miller 

Amber's Pov- that's me 

Nurses' Pov- who is this?

Amber's Pov- this is my boyfriend jackson he is the baby's father 

Nurses' Pov- nice to meet you jackson

Jackson's Pov- nice to meet you too 

Nurses' Pov- alright well the doctors will see you in a few minutes 

Jackson&Amber's Pov- thank you 

*the doctor arrives*

Doctors' Pov- hello amber how are we doing?

Amber's Pov- I'm good! The morning sickness is annoying 

Doctors' pov- you will have morning Sickness for a while 

Amber's Pov- ok 

Doctors' pov- would you like to see your baby?

Jackson&Amber's Pov- yes 

Doctors' Pov- alright.... It looks like you are 6 weeks and very healthy 

Jackson&Amber's Pov- awesome! 

Doctors' Pov- would you like pictures?

Jackson&Amber's Pov- yes please 

Doctors' Pov- alright I'll be back in a minute 

Jackson's Pov- thank you 

*amber and Jackson leave the doctors office and head back home*

DJ's Pov- hey guys how was the doctors?

Jackson&Amber's Pov- it was good! 

DJ's Pov- did they say how far along you are?

Amber's Pov- I am 6 weeks and I am due in September 

DJ's Pov- ok 

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