Part 2

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We stood there silently. Nothing but quiet in the hallway, then I remembered I had to get going to class so I took my books and thanked Alex. After class ended we all went to lunch and  met up with Kate at our usual spot near the corner of the cafeteria. I got my lunch and started devouring that nasty ass food but quickly finished because I wanted to go out. While I was walking out I bumped into Alex again and saw her holding a soccer ball. I was asking her if she plays soccer and if she wanted to once we got outside, she seemed pretty thrilled about and said yes. We started playing until her "friend" who apparently likes her, came up to us asking how we were doing. But the second she saw him I noticed that her smile started to fade. Luke tried play flighting with her but in a flirty-like way and clearly she wasn't liking it. I had to think of something quick so I told Alex that we had to practice for our next soccer game and luckily she got the idea of what I meant so we both just ran away from him. We started running out of breath so we just stopped and sat down on the grass. Then Alex started talking about how Luke had a crush on her but she didn't think of him that way even when he asked her out and she rejected him. After all that we were just talking about things we had in common then exchanged phone numbers with each other. She looked pretty happy and started blushing. Then the whistle blew and I knew we had to get back inside to go to class, so I said bye Alex and dashed back to the building. School finally ended and I went home looking like a big hot mess. The moment I lay down on the bed was when I got a text from Alex-

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