Call - Episode 8

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- Y/n and her Eonni's are spending time since they have a week off, they we're all having fun until someone calls y/n -

- Y/n picks up the phone -
Y/n: Yes, Hello? Who Is This?
???: I- um... Y/n
Y/n: Yes? Who is this?
???: It's Yangyang, Can We Meet At The Park Later, At 3 p.m.
Y/n: Sure
- End Of Call -

Lilianna: Who was that?
Y/n: It was shuyang
Mika: Why did he call? *curious while munching on food*
Y/n: He told me to meet up with him
Jiyoon: Are you gonna go?
Y/n: *Hums In Response*
Y/n: I'm gonna get ready now *goes to her room*

- Lilianna Suddenly speaks -
Lilianna: *Peeks* Ok, Ok She's In Her Room Now
Mika: I Can Feel That Something Will Happen Later
Jiyoon: Is it just me, or does y/n get cold when someone mentions shuyang
Mika: yeah, i've been noticing that too
Lilianna: At first i thought y/n would just forgive shuyang, but now i think it's quite complicated, especially now that y/n calls shuyang as shuyang and not yangyang anymore
Mika: I Agree
Jiyoon: *Hums In Response While Sipping On Her Drink*
- Y/n Goes Downstairs -
Y/n: Does It Look Pretty?
Y/n: Awwww, Thank you
Mika: My Biggest Flex Is I Have Pretty Sisters
- Y/n smiles brightly -
Jiyoon: I raised someone so pretty
- Y/n chuckles -
Y/n: *Checks Her Phone* I'll Get Going Now Eonni's mwah mwah
Jiyoon, Mika & Lilianna: Take Careeee

- Y/n Arrived At The Park And Looks For Shuyang -
Y/n: There You Are!
Shuyang: You're Here 
- Y/n Sit's Beside Shuyang -
Y/n: So Um... Did you want to talk about something?
- Shuyang Hums In Response -
Y/n: Then, What Is It About?
- Shuyang Looks At Y/n And Realizes Y/n Was Wearing The Necklace He Gave To Her When He Was About To Debut -

Picture :

 Did you want to talk about something?- Shuyang Hums In Response -Y/n: Then, What Is It About?- Shuyang Looks At Y/n And Realizes Y/n Was Wearing The Necklace He Gave To Her When He Was About To Debut -Picture :

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- Shuyang Freezes For A Moment -
Shuyang: I- Um.. I'm Sorry Y/n
- Y/n Is Confused -
Y/n: Why Are You Saying Sorry?
Shuyang: I'm Choosing Spider
Shuyang: I know it's complicated, especially i've only known her for 5 months, but i love her, she's the one i love, i want her to be happy, and i want us to be in peace, i don't want you guys to fight, so please, just leave her alone
Y/n: I understand
Shuyang: Thank You Y/n
Y/n: Will You Be Happy?
Shuayang: I'm Happy As Long As Spider's Happy
Y/n: Ok Then, Um.. I Guess Congratulations And I Hope You Guys Will Be Happy Together And Enjoy Eachother's Company
Y/n: I Guess See You Next Time
Y/n: If I Still Can... See You Next Time *She Mumbled And Also Let Out A Weak Smile*
Shuyang: I'll Get Going Now I Still Have Practice
- Shuyang Leaves -

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