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(authors note: listen to the song for all the feels)

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(authors note: listen to the song for all the feels)

I laid my head down that night. My mental scars are hidden away perfectly. No one can see them, no one cares enough to help. Healing is a long process and a very hard battle. I held myself through the night praying for some sleep, some rest. Somehow this night my prayers seemed to have worked.

The next morning, I got up at 6 am and went to take a shower. Since I lived in the dorms the showers were communal. As I started walking to the showers, the dorm next to my room opened and the guy I had seen walked out with his headphones and workout outfit. He bowed at me and I bowed back at him. The butterflies in my stomach were having an anxiety attack. As he was looking at me, I tried to speed walk away. Then I suddenly got this really sharp pain in my head and I fell down holding my head tightly.

Suddenly I had a vision.

Greenhouse, creepers, wine glasses, a guy in a suit. His back was turned away from me but he seemed so familiar.

When I came back to the real world that guy was holding me and calling my name.

Once again, his touch felt like an electric shock, so much familiarity in him.

"Aera! Aera. Are you okay?" his voice cut my thought process.

"I'm okay, thank you so much" I said standing up dusting my pants.

Just then I realized I never told him my name, but he was calling it out.

"How- how do you know my name?" I asked him making eye contact.

"It's written on your basket" he replied smiling and pointing to the basket I was carrying.

He then bowed at me put on his headphones and jogged away. I then took a shower and got ready for the day. I went down to the communal kitchen and grabbed my last banana. I went back to my room grabbed my books and my laptop and left to go to the library. Before I went to the library, I wanted to get a coffee. I was early and had about three hours to spare, so I walked over to the café. I got in and got me warm vanilla latte with whipped cream and marshmallows. I sat down in my little corner again and took out my laptop.

I began to type but this time I had an idea of what I wanted to write. I was finally able to write a romantic novel. I mean I at least had an idea of what to write. This idea that I suddenly got felt kind of like a distant memory of sorts again it felt very familiar. After about an hour of typing, I decided to finally go to the library to get some work done before class.

As I was walking to the library, I saw this really pretty looking book. It looked vintage and had roses on top of it. There was a lot of water damage done to the book. I picked it up from the ground and took it to the lost and found and left it there in case someone had lost it. I went into the library and got the books I needed to and returned the books I needed to. I sat down and started to do my work. Once I was done with work I headed to class. My first class was adolescent psychology and my classroom was in the old building. The building was a beautiful shade of brown with creepers and flowers growing on it. It had beautifully aged and it was one of the prettiest buildings in college. The inside of the building always smells like books and tulips.

I got in and sat down in class. As I was going through my material, I heard someone sit beside me. I looked up to see it was the guy. That guy.

"Hey again." He said smiling a smile that could make flowers bloom.

"Hi," I said trying not to blush and turn strawberry pink in front of him.

"Oh, by the way, I never introduced myself properly, I'm Jae" he said and smiled.

As soon as he said his name it was like an electric charge had gone through me and my vision began to fade. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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