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Being welcomed wasn't a known feeling. Not in a very long time at least. But being sat here at this tabel, with this makeshift family. It filled me with emotions I haven't felt in a really long time. I stared at them, as they chat and ate their food, not really sure on my place. Just yet at least.
I was new, only started a few days ago after Nick practically forced me through the door in to the Avengers tower. Wanda noticed my uneasiness and nudged my shoulder gently.
"You alright?" Her voice was a low whisper, not allowing the other Avengers,minus a few, to hear.
"Yeah?" My answer came out a question, she gave me a weak smile and thought for a second.
"Want to hang out in my room after dinner?" She asked after a few seconds. I nod with a smile, not really sure if I have a place in here to say no. She smiled brightly and we continued to eat our meal. After we ate left our dishes in the sink for Sam to clean up, as it was his turn to dishes tonight, me and Wanda headed to her room. Which was actually acroos from my own room. We shared a floor in the tower with Bucky and Steve, both of which I haven't met yet due to them being away on a mission with Clint. Clint I've met before, but that's along story. One for another time. I sat on her bed, watching as she set up the T.v and put on Stranger things. The episode began playing but she wasnt really watching it. She paused the episode abruptly, and stared at me. And thats when it began. Our friendship, she helped me settle in and get to know the other avengers, minus Steve and Bucky.
After the few weeks 2 or 3, I've grown close to the avengers. More so with some then others but I could hold a conversation with them now. Me, Wanda and Sam where sat in the main living room watching Stranger things, again. I lied across the sofa, my head resting on Wanda's lap and Sam sat on the other end by my feet. Out of everyone I've grown closest too, Sam and Wanda ,are as you would say, my besties. Steve,Bucky and Clint are returning from their mission today, and to say I was nervous was the understatemnt of the year. I was nervous to see Clint again, lets just say that we didn't part on good terms. Wanda knew, I told her the first time we hung out. She knew what happend, and she knew that I was nervous, she could tell even without her ability to read my mind. She combed my hair out with her fingers, in an attempt to soothe my nerves. Which admitidly, was working. Tony came in, struuting over to us.
"They're here" He told us, voice low. He knew, well everyone knew what happened between me and Clint. Wanda told me to tell everyone, becuase it will be for the best, as she said. I nod my head, trying to be ready for what was going to happen in the nex few minutes. Sam reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze.

Bucky Pov

Steve was raving on about how we had a new recruit, I wasn't really listening and I'm pretty sure Clint was't either. Up until he heard the name.
His eyebrows furrowed, "Why are they here?" his voice sour.
An eyebrow raised on eyebrow on Steve, "What's wrong?"He asked. I leant back against the wall just watching the two.
Clint scoffed and the elevator stopped at the 12th floor, where everyone else was. Including the new recruit.

The doors opened and Clint stormed out.

New recruit Bucky X Reader Where stories live. Discover now