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Bucky Pov
Steve and I followed Clint out in his haste, stopping dead in our tracks as he stared down some sat on the couch.
"Azreal" He spoke, as the person stood up. She was tiny, just about reaching my shoulders, her y/h/c was tied up in a messy bun - stray hairs flying outwards. She wore a baggy shirt  - it hung of their shoulder and landed at their mid-thighs the shirt was a faded grey and white tie-dye, like she's had it for a while and black jogging bottoms.
"Hey Clint" She spoke back looking up at him due to the slight height differene between to two. She jumped at him, bringing him into a hug which he gladly recuperated. Holding on to her with a big grin on his face. We all stood shocked, watching as the two whispered in each others ears. Myself, Steve and Tony more so, Wanda stood there with a smile on her face
Y/N Pov
"Hi feathers" Clint whispered into our hug.
I scoff with a roll of my eyes. "Hey Birdbrain"
He chuckled, "So how are you?"
"I'm good, just the usual you know. What bout you?" I pull back slightly to look at him
"I alright. Just missed my baby sis a bit thats all." He spoke loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Behind me I heard a gasp, someone choke on a drink or air and a somewhat squeaky 'whaaaa'.
We chuckled as I turned to face them, Wanda was beaming - she the only person to know the truth, that Clint was my brother by adoption. Tony was holding a whiskey glass, eyes bulging out of their sockets. Clints other friends-guessing they were Steve and Bucky- the brunette had his jaw hanging open and the blonde was making the high pitched noise. That made us chuckle as the 6 foot something man made of muscle continued the squeaky noise. I went back to Wanda on the sofa, sitting by her resting my head on her shoulder then started to continue our conversation.
Clint Pov
I watched as Y/n chatted to Wanda about God knows what. Steve had finally stopped with the squeaking and was conversing with Tony in harsh whispers, Barnes stood to the side like he usually did, but instead of keeping his head down his eyes were trained on Y/n, his head tilted to the side slighlty as if in thought. Y/n laughed loudly, throwing her head back, and Barnes lit up. He had the biggest smile on his face as he watched. Steve also took notice of his best friends change of behaviour and my unreadable expression.
"Barton" Tony spoke up, I looked at him and Y/n perked up at the name "Yeah" we spoke at the same time. Tony blinked and cleared his throat"boy Barton" he cleared up, Y/n nods and turned her attention back to Wanda. I walked off, following Tony into one of the conferance rooms.
Y/N Pov
 "Have you met Barnes before?" Wanda asks as we huddle together on the couch.
I look at her, my nose scrunching in thought "no I don't think so. Why?" I ask as she looks off and gave someone behind me a knowing look.
"No reason hun" She replies.
"Okay? If you say so." I respond to her, she smiles at me and I smile back.
She's definitely a strange bunny.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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