part 11

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I was sleeping when I woke up to the sounds of a baby's wails. My eyes shot open to see Hugo frantically giving Sofia back to Gabriel. There was loads of people in here. My 2 brothers. There wife's, Anastasia and Luna. Along with their girls Hugo's daughter, Natasha and Harrison's daughter Allie. Both age 4. My sister, brother-in-law, father, sister, nephew and obviously my boys.

"Sorry.. she doesn't like me.." Hugo chuckled awkwardly as the baby in my husbands arms screamed down the house.

I began to sit up. "Is it too late for a Christmas Dinner? I'm femished.." everyone in the room laughed at me. "Chef's are making it right now, Love.." The boy besides me announced.

Our daughter was still crying. "Give her here.. she might be hungry.." I held my daughter in my arms while attempting to breast feed her as she screamed.

"Obviously she doesn't take after her dad" I teased making everyone else old enough to get the joke cringe as Gabriel laughed. "Somethings wrong with that child!" He joked back.


We all sat round the table with our 'feast' infront of us. Gabriel and I taking it in turns to hold Sofia so the other could eat. Everything was perfect. Well..  thats what we thought.

Our joy and festiveness was interrupted by gunshots. Gabriel quickly handed our daughter back to me and ran towards the front door. "Shit! People who aren't willing to fight in the safe room!!!" We all knew the drill ny now. Women go in with kids. Ofcourse Enzo was gonna try his luck.

*Gabriel's pov*

I was preparing for battle when I turned and saw my 14 year old brother grinning at me. "I'll fight!"
Naturally, I rolled my eyes at him, "Absolutely not. Go to the safe room." He frowned at me like a toddler.

"Please!!!" He began to plead, "I know how to! I want to help you! I've had the training! I'll wear as much safety kit as you want! Please!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"You can protect people in the safe room if ir comes to it. Under the 7th floor board to the right of the door there's a bullet proof chest and hand gun. DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR A FIGHT. o giuro sul diavolo che non sentirai mai la fine mi capisci?!" I spat at him.

(or I swear to the devil you will never hear the end of it do you understand me?!)

The boy nodded eagerly and ran off too the safe room. I looked at the men in the room, doing a scan of who was coming out to fight.

I began walking our to the front. My goal was to keep them as far away from the house as possible. There was a 6 hour old baby in there. Who no doubt is the reason why were under attack. How they knew all ready I would never know. Probably a mole.

As soon as I stepped foot outside shots were fired at me. One after another. I killed as many people as possible. I couldn't lose another baby. Or another family member.

If Sofia was hurt.. Victoria.. I wouldn't be able to watch the amount of pain she'd go through. I failed to protect one kid and I wasn't going to make the same mistake again.

I had cuts and bruises all over my body already. It stung but it was nothing like the last 7 years. Full of death. Pain. Sorrow. And guilt. So much guilt. It just keeps piling on. Thats why I was trying to keep Enzo as safe as possible. Of I told him straight up no he'd only go behind my back and do it. But this way he feels like he has some power and the hope he might fight.

I felt a sharp pain in the side of my stomach. Dumb fucker stabbed me. I put the gun to his head and shot him. Brains splattering everywhere.

Thats when I heard it. Harrison was screaming my name. My head darted round and saw he was stood over an injured Lorenzo. I felt my heart shatter.

No. It couldn't be. I began running at full speed towards my younger brother. The boy I've raised for the past 6 years. The boy I watched grow from a goofy kid to an even goofier teenager.

He had been shot. Twice. Once in the chest. Once in the head. Because of the angle he was shot at he was still alive. Bit just barely. He didn't have much time left. I picked him up and ran inside.

"WHY DIDNT YOU JUST STAY IN THE SAFE ROOM?!?!" I screamed while placing him down on the floor.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to help." He whispered. I shook my head as tears began falling down my face.
"Your a kid. A fucking kid! You can't do that! YOU GOT SHOT BECAUSE YOU DIDNT LISTEN TO ME!!!" I screamed while desperately trying to stop some bleeding. 

His breath shook. His heart rate was unsteady. I was about to watch my brother die infront of me. And there was nothing I could fucking do! It was all my fault. "Why aren't you wearing the vest?!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"I was.. shot first in the head... I panicked and took.. it off to get more air then.. before I knew... it I got shot again.." he was struggling to breathe.

"Okay, okay...Please just hang on a little longer and the ambulence will get here!" I grabbed onto him and pulled him closer. Trying to soak him up. I knew he was loosing blood. He was pale. And clearly couldn't see properly.

"Gabriel.. that is you isn't it?"

"Yeah..yeah it's me.. I'm here.. your gonna be okay.." I remeber sitting there saying those exact words to Victoria years ago.

"I hope you know your like the dad I never got.." he began tearing up. He knew what was happening. There was absolutely no chance of serving a shot in the head and chest. I said this before with Victoria. But this time. I knew it was true. No one could survive that amount of blood loss.

"You are and always will be the best brother and son a man could ask for." I whispered with a small smile across my face.

"I'm sorry Gabriel..." his voice shook as he spoke. His grip on my shirt loosened. "Hey... hey your okay... your safe now.." I sobbed into the body in my arms.

I picked up his body and beang it into the bathroom. Placing it in the bath tub. I didn't know what to do with him. We'd have to wait untill the battle was over.

I saw my face in the mirror. Staring back at me through the reflection was a broken man with red, puffy eyes. You could see the pain on his face. That was me..

I turned on the tap and washed my face off. Real men don't show pain. Thats what I grew up with. Its what I was taught by my father. The least I could do for my brother and adoptive son was put on a brave face for our family and fight in his honour.

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