part 12

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Hours later I stood there. Body's scattered all over. Most if not all my men had been killed. And all of the enemies had been killed. I turned to my brother, father in law and brother in laws. "Maybe we should go tell them its over..." I choked.

All of us walked upstairs towards the safe room. I banged on the metal door. "You can open it. It's us. Everyone's gone.." we all heard movement from the otherside before the door opened.

Victoria immediately hugged me.
"Where's Enzo?!?! He went out to fight! We couldn't stop him! Please tell me he's okay" I went silent as my girl sobbed into my chest. I wrapped my arms back round her. Trying to comfort her.

"Uh.. we can talk about that in a minute.." I began pulling away from the hug and pressed my lips against hers, I looked over at Luca who was holding Sofia. "Hey.. you okay?" I whispered while crouching down next to them both.

At this point everyone had separated off with their own family. Victoria was hugging her dad, still sobbing...

"Have you been taking care of her?" I chuckled at Luca as he nodded his head. "Can I hold my daughter?" I asked, half joking.

I took Sofia from him and held her close to me, rocking her from side to side. She began crying. Great. She's scared of her own dad. I pulled her away and held her in my arms. "Whats wrong?"
I bounced her in my arms in an attempt to get her to stop. Why didn't she like me? I looked at my wife for help.

"She doesn't recognise you.. you'll have to do skin to skin contact later..." Why doesn't sue recognise me? I held her earlier multiple times and she was fine..

"Maybe we should clear you up a bit, that could help. Dad would you take Sofia?" Before I knew it Her dad, Henry was taking her out my arms and Victoria was leading me down the hall into our room.

As soon as the door shut. I felt safe. I broke down on my knees crying. "Lorenzos dead! I didn't want to say it infront of Luca!" I immediately heard her quiet sobs and felt her arms round me. I pulled the girl onto my lap. We both just held eachother while sobbing.

"How?- Why?!.... WHAT?!' calmed down a few moment later I began explaining how he was shot twice. Once in the head the other in the chest. How he died in my arms. What he said before he died. Bow I ut him in the bath tub. Made a gaurd lock the bathroom up.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know he was out there.. I couldn't protect him.."
I buried my head into her shoulder in shame. I couldn't look her in the eye and watch as her tears fall. I felt her pulling away from the hug, her hand touched the bottom of my chin guiding me to look up at her.

"You done everything you could. And he went against you. How would you of known he was out there?! It is not your fault. Do you understand me!" Why was she yelling at me? I nodded my head anyway. I felt her push her soft lips against mine. I pulled away after a few moments. "As much as I live kissing you, I've got to get cleaned up and we have a not even day old daughter out there who's probably hungry." I groaned as I stood up.

She wiped her eyes and took my hand, leading me into the bathroom. "Take of your shirt. It's covered in what I hope isn't your blood." She ordered. I started unbuttoning it and removed it from my body. Revealing all the wounds I have. "Oh my god! Why didn't you say you had so many cuts?!" Victoria hissed at me as she got out the first aid kit.

"Sit on the counter. I'm gonna have to stitch some of these up."
I done what she said, letting her disinfect my wounds and stitch some up. I stood up after she finnished and walked out to get a new shirt. "DID YOU GET STABBED?!?!" My girl suddenly screamed. It must've been on my back because she hadn't noticed ir before, neither had I. I looked in the mirror behind me. Sure enough, I had.

"Oh... looks like I have." I awkwardly laughed making Victoria more pissed off.

"Its not funny. Come here, I'll bandage it up for now so I can feed our daughter. Then I'll stitch it up." She tutted at me. Why is she mad at me for getting stabbed? I went out and fought so I could protect our daughter.

*Victorias pov*

Once I finished cleaning up the stab wound we went downstairs to everyone else. I saw Ruby holding Sofia. I smiled and walked over, "has she cried at all?" I asked while picking her up.
Everyone shook their heads, no.

"Well I need to feed her anyway!" I sat down and began feeding her.  Gabriel stood behinds us making faces at Sofia. "Oi! Stop it. You'll distract her then I'll end up flashing everyone." That immediately shut him up. He sat down on the floor besides my legs.

It was so quiet and peaceful.. even though I knew my oldest son was dead in the bath tub just 3 doors down... once Sofia was full I gave her to Gabriel who hadn't held her in hours. I looked at the clock. 01:13am. It was no longer Christmas. Now we couldn't ruin anyone's Christmas even more. I felt we should tell everyone about Enzo.

"About Lorenzo.." Gabriel began as if he could read my mind. Everyone looked towards him.
"He was shot twice.. and died in my arms... I'm sorry.." everyone went dead silent. The only thing heard was sobs. Spread across the room...

My dad was staring at Me. Almost waiting for a reaction. I suddenly broke down as it hit me again. My father was quick to run to me and hug me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart.. he's in a better place now.." I sobbed into his chest as everyone hugged and cried with their partners. All the kids confused but crying anyway. Except Luca. He knew too well what death meant.

I felt him shaking my arm as I pulled away from my father's arms. "Hey sweetie.. want a hug?" He climbed onto my lap and wrapped his arms round me sobbing already.

I stroked his hair and rocked him back and forth while trying to calm him down. I looked towards Gabriel who just stood in silence. Staring into space. With our daughter in his arms.

"Hey.. you want a hug?" I gave him a small smile. He nodded his head, so I stood up carrying Luca at the same time. I walked over to my husband and wrapped my spair arm round him while being mindful of Sofia. "Hold on, let's put Sofia in the bouncer." I suggested. He was quick to put her in Before hugging me and Luca again.

"I love you so much" He mumbled into my ear as we hugged. I simply rested my head against his chest. It was enough for him to know I loved him too.

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