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Keith pov

There was something about her. She rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was the fact that her story didn't match up. Or the way she thought nobody would notice her "subtle" subject change. Last time we thought we had found other Altaens, they turned out to be bad. So why should this time be any different? I promised myself that if the Princess allowed her to stay, that I would keep a very close eye on her. One slip-up, and she was out. Her staying would be extremely dangerous, but I knew the team wouldn't turn away a possible Altaen, nor an injured pilot. 'Please calm down y/n. I'll show you to your room where you can rest, and then I'll explain everything to you.' Her room? When did we agree that she would get a room? This is giving the girl far too much freedom in which any moment she could sabotage us! Just because she is Altaen does not mean she is inherently good. Just like me being part Galra doesn't make me bad. I was the leader of this group now, do I not deserve the slightest say on these decisions? For all we know the lion could have brought us there to warn her of the dangers. On the other hand, we could have been there searching for something else and she was placed there as a distraction. My busy thoughts were interrupted by none other than the annoying Lance.
'You reckon she's into me? She's totally into me.'
I glanced over at Lance, somehow, he had found a mirror to flex his muscles in.
'Aren't you supposed to be into the Princess?' I reluctantly replied.
'Yeah, and?'
'Dude.' Is this guy clueless, or just incredibly horny. It's always a guessing game with Lance, like a chance wheel. Anger bubbled in me, I'm not sure why what he said ticked me off like that, maybe it was his annoying voice. Yeah, that.

Y/n pov

It felt like hours had passed when Allura had finally concluded her explanation. The information I had just received had turned my stomach into knots. About a million thoughts were rushing around my head and I couldn't even bring myself to say one out loud. It was taking every inch of my self control not to submit to another panic attack. "Well, I'm sure you must want some time to process it. I'll leave you now so you can rest, alert me or Coran if you need anything y/n.' She turned to smile at me as she closed the door. 'I'm so glad you're here.' The door clicked shut behind her as she left.
It was like everything in my life was suddenly flipped around, then twisted, chewed up and spat out. Now I was left to gather it up again. Thankfully, there was a familiar face on this ship who experienced something similar, the Princess. However, all those other 'humans' were just so strange to me. Allura had gone through and told me about each of them- they were all amazing people as she explained it. Although, if I'm being honest I didn't know how well I liked the pale boy, Keith. He seemed to be extremely high strung and on edge. If I wasn't careful he could be the reason I could be booted out, left with nowhere to stay and no one to help me.
I slipped out of the space suit I had been wearing, it must have been generations since it had been washed. Disgusting, I thought to myself. The crew had salvaged some of my belongings from the crash, which included an outfit or two, some photos and other personal objects and my electronics. Scoffing, I chucked my electronics in the bin, half were smashed and the rest were about ten thousand years out-dated. Getting into more comfortable clothes was a relief. I got back into bed and shut my eyes tightly. Heat flared up in my face, edging tears to fall out of my eyes. So I closed them tighter, refusing to let them go. I didn't succeed.

The lost Altaen (Keith x reader  voltron fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now