Issue 6 the cosmic human

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(3rd POV)
Y/n stared down the cosmic beings that were in front him

Y/n: sssoooo...why am I here?

Eternity: the human known as y/n you should understand why you are here...

Tribunal: your powers are a phenomenon that doesn't exist in any other multiverse

Y/n: what are you trying to say?

Galactus: you are something that isn't supposed to exist no you in any other multiverse nor a universe have a someone who is this strong...

Y/n mind: I expected as much

Oblivion: we all are giving you one chance human you must give us your power and love your pathetic life!

Y/n sighed

Y/n: and if I don't?

both deaths looked at y/n

(To differentiate the 2 deaths dc's death will be in bold letters with marvel's death will just be normal words)

Death/death: you'll be executed to restored the rightful multiverse order

Galactus: chose wisely human...

Y/n mind: I should've expected this I only had this powers for 3 years and of course I wouldn't appear in other multiverse

Y/n: well even if you are cosmic level beings I'm going to contin-

Oblivion and galactus with their giant fists punched y/n at the same time

They felt something moving their hands to see y/n moving them effortlessly

Y/n: AHEM!! As I was SAYING I will continue having my powers no matter the consequences

Y/n jumped towards galactus blasting him away from everyone

Y/n: now then who's next?

Thousands of celestials started to group on y/n using their cosmic powers against him

Y/n yawned and started to fly towards every single on of them one punch disintegrates them in a instant

Y/n: phew...that was a good warm

The others looked in actual shock they never seen a human with just strength beat a group of celestials in seconds


Oblivion, death and eternity blasts y/n with their cosmic powers

Y/n: done?

Y/n flicks the blast away shocking them

Eternity: th-this cannot be?!

Oblivion: h-how

Death was actually grinning she never thought someone other than thanos could interest her

The endless, galactus and tribunal all attack y/n with their cosmic power almost destroying reality itself but they put enough force to make y/n sink into the source wall

Tribunal: he won't be able to escape th-

As soon as the living tribunal says escape y/n bursts through the source wall which is impossible to escape

Tribunal: this can't be possible...

Y/n dusted his clothes off with a annoyed expression

Y/n: ok since you all will continue to fight me I guess I show you 20% of my power...

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