Chapter 1

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Sunoo was restless. He'd finished his practice, posted his new pictures to Weverse, updated his Instagram, and caught up on Twitter. So, what now?

His roommate/best friend was out with his girlfriend. His other close friend Jay was out of town for a few days, and he couldn't bring himself to call the girl he'd recently started seeing. Sure, she was a beautiful girl, and he liked her, but he's not in the mood for hours of her hinting about becoming his official girlfriend. That's all she appeared to be doing lately.

Stretching out his long limbs in front of him on his bed, feeling the satisfying crack of his joints, he refreshed his Instagram page. He already had twenty-two notifications, twelve of which were from Sunghoon, who had liked each and every one of the pictures he'd just posted.

Sunoo chuckled. Only Sunghoon would check his Instagram notifications in the middle of a date and like everything he'd been tagged in. Smiling to himself, he flicked through his favourite album.

Sunoo had only had his own account for 3 months, but most of the pictures predate, going back 1-year back, starting from a couple of weeks after they'd first met.

He has full of pictures of himself and Sunghoon. Selfies, excursions, nights out, nights in, hanging out with their friends during their breaks, momentous occasions had all been carefully captured by Sunoo's camera and documented in his account. There had been a lot of them. They were inseparable. Much to various girlfriends displeasure.

Sunoo smirked at his notification of Sunghoon liking his pictures at the top of his screen. Seconds later he received a private message.

Sunghoon: What you up to?

Sunoo: Nothing

Sunghoon: Sounds fun. I'll come and join you.

Sunoo: Buy me my favourite ice cream on the way back.

Sunoo turned on the television, set his laptop aside, and stripped down to his boxers to get comfy under the blankets, where he found a new k-drama to watch.

Sunghoon dashed into his room, juggling two pints of ice cream and snacks.

"I've returned!" He greeted Sunoo in classic Sunghoon fashion, climbing into his allotted side of the bed and handing Sunoo his Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

"Good date?" Sunoo asked, knowing the answer without having to ask. After two years of friendship, each of them knew precisely what the other was thinking without having to say anything - but that would lead to hours of silent chats that would be very monotonous.

Sunghoon shrugged, "We grabbed coffee, sat in the park for a little, watched ducks," he sounded terribly unenthusiastic "What are we watching?" he asked, pepping up a little "Is this all you've done tonight?"

"You know I post our pictures," Sunoo mumbled as he scooped his ice cream. "You might annoy your girlfriend by liking them during your date," Sunoo joked.

Sunghoon's eyes crinkled as he laughed, "Ha! Yeah, she became a little snarky about it."

Sunoo's lips twisted into a half-smile as he nudged Sunghoon in the ribs, "Maybe if you pay her more attention, maybe she won't become upset with you."

"Maybe you shouldn't distract me whilst I'm out with her by posting pictures that I look hot in!" Sunghoon smirks.

Sunoo rolled his eyes and went back to watching the drama he is watching, pulling out his phone to send out a few random tweets.

Sunghoon shifted erratically next to him, shimmying out of his jeans whilst still under the covers. He accidentally kicked Sunoo in the process. Sunoo said nothing, he just gave Sunghoon more room to move and continued to tap his screen. Sunoo then took a selfie with Sunghoon beside him and post it on his Instagram story.

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