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                                                          Third Person POV

School ended slowly for the young adults of Long Beach High which they dreaded the most. When the bell rung to signal that school came to an end for the day the hallway flooded quickly with students eager to go home. Who could blame the students? High school is a lot of work and stressful for a lot of students, but for some students high school is the best years of their lives.

Nyla pushed through the crowded to get to her locker but unfortunately luck wasn't sure on her side today. She accidentally pushed into a hard chest knocking her books and papers out of her hands.

"I'm so sorry about that." Nyla said utterly embarrassed. She bent down and started picking up her items and she met with those beautiful honey colored orbs she obsessed over. Justin stared at her in amazement, he never saw someone so beautiful without trying. He was speechless. Speechless of her beauty. Maybe that's the reason he has never talked to her before. But a part of Justin loathes her. Justin being the 'gentleman' that he is when he wants to be, helped Nyla picked up her flying papers and books. He handed her papers to her and nodded then he walked away.

Strange she thought to herself, one minute he talks to her. Then the next he's quiet. But he didn't have a choice but to talk to me in class because of the project she thought. Nyla reached her locker and turned the dial to open her old light blue locker.

She opened her locker and placed her heavy textbooks on the bottom shelf and grabbed her jean jacket, and slammed her locker shut. The hallways were less packed now and she needed to quickly find Mya so she wouldn't have to walk home alone. Due to her lack of communication with Mya, Nyla still enjoyed her company because Mya always knew how to keep her mind from drifting back to those horrible thoughts that ran through Nyla's mind on a daily basis especially at night. Nyla dreaded the night ever since what happened to her. She was too scared to be alone in the darkness. Her wild imagination thought something was going to come rape her again or even worse. Every night she kept all the lights on in her bedroom and stayed up, too scared to let sleep drift over her. Justin stayed up every night ever since the incident begging god to forgive him. The images of her naked lifeless body floated his thoughts every night. After awhile he dreaded what he did to her. He would never be able to forgive himself.

Nyla began searching the empty hallways for her gorgeous best friend of hers. Where on earth could she be? Nyla mentally screamed at herself becoming more impatient, she looked in every hallway becoming more frustrated. She heavily sighed and slowly strode to the nearest exit to go home. 

The fall breeze breezed over her soft skin as she made her to her home. The trees had begun changing into those beautiful shades of red,yellow, and orange. She adored the fall the most because of her birthday and of the gorgeous fall sceneries she never grew tired admiring. As she made her way home oblivious to someone repeatedly calling her name, her mind was in a different place.

"Nyla wait up!" The unfamiliar voice called out as Nyla came to an complete stop. She turned around and crossed her arms. Her face turned into a confused look, it was one of Justin's boys. She had forgotten his name unfortunately, but he was quite the looker. He was dressed in khaki cargo pants, black Sperry's, a baby blue button up shirt, and a grey cardigan that was rolled up. The young man was very handsome she thought. But she knew he was definitely out of her league too.

"Um, yes?" She asked the young handsome boy. Nyla didn't feel comfortable with talking to other guys except her family. And her trust was extremely low ever since that incident she dreads to remember.

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