are you fucking kidding me/ittorou

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"Heheh.. Yeah...?"

"Are you fucking with me right now? really?" Gorou looked up at Itto with utter dissapointment.

"Heheh, yes really." Itto giggled and handed him the squeeky toy.

Gorou instantly threw it off somewhere over someone's fence.

"Hey!! why'd you do that?! Rorouuuu..!"

He could be such a handful at times, but Gorou handled the stupidest shit his boyfriend did, from making a kid cry to bailing him out of jail. One wouldn't be suprised if Gorou just snapped one day, afterall, he holds a lot of responsibilities even before Itto, and Itto is a solid 85% of Gorou's responsibility as of late.

"Itto please don't hop over the fence again. You know what happend last time don't you?" Gorou sighed, he's about to just give up on Itto and go back home to take a nap.

"I hear, 'Itto please hop over that fence to get my dog toy that my dearest and my bestie worked hard on' " Itto said, trying his best to mimick Gorou's voice. Why the hell would he give him some stupid dog toy as "a gift because you do a lot for me"?! Okay well, it's kinda sweet.. But still! Can't he actually treat Gorou like he's a person and not some sort of uwuie doggy woggy mwust pwotek!!!><? It hurt Gorou thinking he's just some dog that could walk on two legs and respond in words to Itto. It's pretty much disrespecting.

"Itto please. You don't know if the owner of that fence has dangerous pets that still haven't got their rabies shot yet. I don't want to rush you back into the hospital again."

"But what I do know is that I needa get you the toy back!! Why did you throw it too far anyway? Didn't you like it?" Gorou stood there thinking of an answer for Itto's question. Did he like it? honestly it kinda makes him feel like he's some pet to Itto because of how the toy looks. But then again... It's.. heartwarming.. to think he thought about him and what he could've liked as a gift but failing and instead made Gorou feel disrespected? okay the last part wasn't oh so heartwarning but still. It's sweet in a kinda rude way? He can't quite describe it.

"Oi." Itto poked at Gorou's cheeks, making Gorou flinch.

"My archons-! You startled me. What happend to the toy?" Gorou asked, not like he cared about the toy!

"I got it back!! since you seemed so worried about it!!" Itto smiled and put his hands on his hips, the pose that says 'Ha! I win!'

"I wasn't worried about it.. i was worried about you..." the last phrase basically just muttering that came from the short boy.

"From the looks on your face, and your tail wagging, you seem happy!! Soo...." Itto trailed off, he really didn't know what to do.

"Okay so are we done with the 'fetch game'? can I go back home?" Gorou sighed, he could just go to sleep right then and there honestly. He could easily sleep anywhere anyway, and he'd still sleep so peacefully.

i dont intend on finishing this i just needed to spill my ittorou modern au out thenk yew

some randomstories i came up with at 10 pmWhere stories live. Discover now