[4] Huli Jing

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Reader POV

It was raining when I figured it out.

My period had not come for three months and the physicians concluded I was pregnant with the possible next heirs of the Zenin empire.

"What are you going to do?" Brita asked me as I walked to the pagoda of ancestors.

"I don't know," I said. "Even though I loathe it's father, it has done nothing wrong to me. And you know my parents will not hear of getting it removed."

The blonde nodded and she squeezed my hand. "Whatever you choose to do I will support you."

As the days grew even shorter and the candles lighting the homes along the mountainside, I knew something was going to happen.

A village elder came to see me and warned me the water tide, sacred to my family, would be stained with blood and it would be unmerciful.

Currently I was walking slowly up the mountain to the shrine of Huli Jing, the spirit of the fox that guided souls to the afterlife.

The bells rung as I walked up the ancient wooden steps and the candle I was holding grew brighter as the gold in the shrine reflected the light.

Along the walls told the tale everyone knew of.

A maiden stripped of her status and home by the devils, forced to walk a path of blood, iron and fire. She crossed over the silver river, the river that granted immortality.

When she finally reached the top of Gongsha mountain, she saw the spirit of Huli Jing.

This was depicted as a fox with a golden halo around it, nine tails present and red markings.

I lit a jasmine incense and bowed deeply, my hands touching the gold base of the huge statue.

"Oh wise Huli Jing, give my prayers to my ancestors before me."

Even though I had consulted my own family shrine, it wouldn't hurt to speak to the other gods of the afterlife.

"I beseech you: protect my children. Their blood is pure and they are innocent of all the evils in the world."

The lights flickered and the statue gleamed brightly as the chimes moved in the roaring wind, the shrine shaking a bit.

"I will offer anything you wish, so long as my family is spared."

For good measure, I left an extremely valuable gold figure of my family's crest: the dragon and sword.

Naoya POV

I sensed something was amiss and as soon as we were able to, I rushed back home on horseback.

Of course as per protocol, I wasn't allowed to leave the Kamo empire until after a year as it was a custom for the members of the royal families to offer guidance to the new emperor.

But on this instance, Emperor Noritoshi allowed me to leave after eight months of being there.

It took me a few weeks to get back to the Zenin empire due to bad weather but I did eventually make it back.

"Your Highness!" My nanny greeted me alongside two other servants. "You're back early?"

I looked around for my wife to-be but dismissed her as I knew it was late and she was one to sleep somewhat early.

"Something is wrong," I said as I walked towards the wing where the emperor resided. "Where is Emperor Naobito?"

The royal guard stationed outside his wing shook their heads.

"Your highness, you cannot go in," one said. "The emperor will see no one but a physician right now."

"I see. Then I assume his health has declined more."

As I walked to my own wing of the palace, I saw Toji's concubine slave.

"Prince Naoya! Where is my husband?" The woman asked me.

I gave her a disgusted look. "You dare talk to me, filth? Begone."

"But I assumed (y/n) went with you-"

"Dumb sheep she was told to stay here in the palace. Get out of my sight or do you want to satisfy me?"

She sighed and didn't say anything more, only leaving my side.

When I got to the double doors of my wing, I decided to call for a meal to be brought over.

I didn't care (y/n) was probably sleeping, I had missed her and I intended to show her physically.

"(y/n), flower, where are you?"

I drew back the red velvet curtains and expected her to be sleeping with the necklace I gave showing in the moonlight.

Instead I was met with an empty bed. "(y/n)? Where are you? If this is another game of hide-and-seek I promise you won't be walking for the next few days."

There was no response so I walked out and grabbed the nearest guard by the throat, pinning him to the wall and drawing my sword.

"Where is she!"

"Your Highness, she escaped months ago with the twins Mai and Maki," a lady servant said.

"And no one thought to send word to me?!" I screeched.

"We-we've sent out search parties all around the empire. No one has seen her."

I let the guard go and walked over to another servant who had the food I requested.

"You. Discard that food. And why hasn't anyone sent search parties to the Gojo empire?? That's exactly where that stupid bitch would go."

"Your highness, if we sent a search party to the Gojo empire they could take it as a military uprising," one guard whimpered as I turned and glared at him.

"Incompetent fools! I'll lead one myself." I looked to the official scribe wing and stormed over, bursting the doors open and not caring about how loud I was being.

"You there! Get up."

I violently shook him awake and stared at him. "Write me a letter and have it delivered to the Gojo imperial palace."

He quickly fumbled around to get his pen, inc, and parchment. "Yes, your highness!"

I turned to my head servant. "Wake up the swiftest of riders. I want this letter delivered tomorrow morning and I expect a response within three days."

As I watched the scribe convey my message, I personally melted the wax so I could seal the scroll with my imperial stamp.

You think you can be free of me, little flower? Think again.

[Red Tides] YANDERE Naoya Zenin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now