Chapter 5

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All of them including tzuyu's parents were gathering at the living room, as jaehyun keep glaring deeply towards jungkook who just wearing his blank, cold and annoyed face as if he didn't doing anything wrong. Tzuyu in the other side sitting between Mrs jeon and her mom, looking down and biting her lips hardly. She feels embrassed of herself, disappointed, sad, angry and everything!

"Okay, Jeon jaehyun, Jeon Jungkook." His mom talking as the two of them still glaring and staring onto each other deeply.

"What we want is... we want jungkook to marry tzuyu." Tzuyu's mom said makes the two of them shoot their head towards their mom. Their parents already discussed about this and yes, this is the last result. Jungkook's eyes widened while jaehyun shooking his head aggressively.

"Mom! Auntie! I freaking dont agree!!!" Jaehyun shout with his chest raising up and down heavily, starting to get mad over and over again. His fist tighten and shaking in mad.

"What the fuck mom?! Please! I really doesn't know anything about this! This is not my fault! Im serious!" Jungkook also slightly shout, in disbelief and in unsatisfied. He freaking doesn't want to married! He still young! He want to have fun first!!!

"Jeon Jungkook! You just doing something bad towards someone's daughter! Did you remember how much you touch her last night?! What if she get pregnat YOUR CHILD?! Just marry her in order to handling all of this problems. Settle!"

Jungkook's thought froze, his mind stop working and his heart thumping crazily when those words getting out from his dad's mouth. He will get married? Fuck, with his own brother fiance. He will replace his brother place? Ugh.

Jaehyun clenching his jaw and without noticing, already crying in silent with his tears rolling down onto his cheeks. He looking down and slightly sobbing makes everyone heard his cries.

"I wont agree......" He mumbled makes tzuyu biting her lower lips hardly. She's hurting too. She really hurting seeing jaehyun like this. But she can't say anything. She know this is her fault too and what she can do is ; following what their parents said. Its true though! If she get pregnant with Jungkook's child, it's crazy to have a relationship nor getting married with jaehyun right? It's crazy.

She's not perfect and she already being touched by someone which is jeon Jungkook. And she know that. She's not perfect for jaehyun and willing to letting jaehyun go to another great and perfect woman outside there.

Jaehyun look up again, showing his tears to everyone before he kneeling on the floor in front of all of them making everyone gasped.

"Please, mom dad, auntie and uncle, I really love tzuyu so much. Please. I didn't mind if she's pregnant jungkook's child. I will take responsibility." He said, really eager in having tzuyu as his's no matter what.

Jungkook just staring onto his actions blankly. No reactions.

"Please don't do someting crazy jaehyun-ah. Stop being like this and just follow all of this instructions. Please do this for the sake of our family. I know you didn't mean what you said. You just too desperate on having her right? No jaehyun. Just no. Let Jungkook take this as his responsibility." His dad said again makes his shoulder fall, he looking down and crying again.

He's that broken. He feel like his life and his world is being snatched, being crumpled and being thrown away makes he living alone in a zero spaces without anyone else. Everything destroyed because of his own brother.

Jungkook ruffling his hair harshly in frustrated of all of this. He stood up from the couch and walk out from the house makes all of them focusing on him who walking out blankly and coldly. In his mind, everything running and everything mixed. How can he accept this? He doesn't want to get married!!!!!!

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