Billy and the Express

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Billy was enjoying work in the shunting yards of Tidmouth. He had become great friends with a lot of engines on the railway, and everyone got along well with him. All, except Gordon.

One Day, Billy was shunting trucks onto a platform for Edward to take when Gordon bustled in.

"Billy!", called Gordon. "Where are my coaches?"

"Hold on, Big Blue.", said Billy, in a rush. "I'll get your coaches as soon as I can!"

"Not as SOON as you can. Now.", said Gordon.

"I have other trains to shunt, just give me a minute.", said Billy.

"I can't wait!", said Gordon. "I have to leave now!"

"Well if it's that important to you", said Billy crossly. "Get them yourself!"

"ME! SHUNT! What a preposterous idea!" shouted Gordon. "Tender Engines don't shunt!"

"Well then, stay there, and I will get your coaches after I'm done fetching these other trains! Besides, you have plenty of time before your train."

"You aren't even an express engine like me, Billy.", said Gordon. "You wouldn't understand."

Billy rolled his eyes and stormed off.

Later, Billy was talking to Edward about Gordon.

"That Gordon is a showoff!", complained Billy. "Someone should put him in his place!"

"Don't pay any mind to him.", said Edward. "He always gets what's coming to him in the end."

"Maybe, but he's such a pain in the smokebox.", said Billy. "I want him to see sense."

"All in good time, Billy. All in good time.", said Edward wisely.

But Billy wanted to pay back Gordon but didn't know-how. But, he didn't have to pay Gordon back, because a few days later, Gordon had an accident.

It was a cold night, and Gordon was alone in the shed. Henry was away pulling the Flying Kipper, James was needed for an emergency and Bear was visiting the Mainland. 

Gordon was sleeping nicely until the Firelighter came to light Gordon's fire. Gordon felt the warm fire and was cosy. 

But then, there was trouble, when the Firelighter was trying to get up, he accidentally pulled the regulator, he noticed and tried to pull it back, but it became stuck. 

He ran to get help. But it was too late, a few minutes later, Gordon was steaming up, he noticed this and woke up.

"It's too early, Driver can't be here yet.", he yawned.

Then, Gordon started to move. Gordon was starting to worry.

"Driver? Are you there?"

No one answered. Gordon was panicking. He smashed through the door, and before he could even think anything else...


He found himself in a turntable well.

Soon, help arrived. Billy, Duck and Oliver had arrived with the Breakdown Train. But, Gordon and the turntable were damaged. Gordon and the Turntable to be mended.

The Fat Controller sighed at the damage.

"Your gonna have to go to the works, Gordon.", said the Fat Controller.

"And I thought I was the only one to fall into a turntable well!", laughed Oliver.

Edward shot him a look. Oliver subsided.

"Great.", said Gordon "Who's gonna pull the express now?"

"I'm not sure, Gordon", said the Fat Controller. "All of the other big engines are busy."

"I can take the train, sir!", said Billy, eagerly.

The Fat Controller pondered.

"I'm not sure, Billy.", said the Fat Controller. "You're not strong enough."

"Maybe not, but with another engine probably.", suggested Billy.

"Not a Bad Idea.", agreed the Fat Controller. "Any other volunteers?"

"How about I go, sir.", said Duck. "I helped Stepney with double head a train when a diesel broke down, remember?"

"Of course I do.", said the Fat Controller. "You and Billy can double head the express."

The engines were delighted.

Soon, Duck and Billy were coupled in the front of the train. It had only been a few minutes, but Billy felt like it had been hours.

"Come along, come along, come along.", Billy said as he chuffed out of the station.

"We're doing it, we're doing it, we're doing it.", said Duck.

Soon, the two engines were racing down the line like never before. They raced past Edward's Station and a very surprised BoCo. They roard up Gordon's Hill. They raced through Henry's Tunnel. And finally, they arrived at Barrow-in-Furness. The diesel who was there was very impressed.

"My my", said the Diesel. "You're 10 minutes early."

The passengers got out and cheered.

"That's one in the headlamp for Gordon.", muttered Billy to Duck.

Duck hartley agreed.

The next mourning, Gordon came back from the works and spoke to Billy.

"Billy, I'm sorry for what I said a few days ago.", apologized Gordon.

"That's alright, Gordon.", said Billy. "There is at least one thing in common about us."

"What's That?"

"That was both fast."

Gordon could only agree. From that day onwards, Gordon and Billy had become firm friends and Gordon would always wait for his coaches patiently at the platform. That shows it, doesn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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Cody's Railway Series No. 1 - Billy the Orange EngineWhere stories live. Discover now