chapter 1

632 10 13

i was up on the rooftop again, skipping classes like how i usually would. though, i didn't think it was a problem, besides, school was easy, i always got good grades even if i don't lift a finger for studying so teachers just gave up on trying to get me back to class, not that i cared. ok, maybe a little, it was annoying plus, being in a room full of people was overwhelming.

i closed my eyes and lied down on the ground. the weather was just nice and i wanted to get my mind off of things. it was so peaceful and quiet, i swore i would have almost fallen asleep but then the school bell rang.

" ....ugh. "

i opened my eyes and got up, dusting myself from whatever dirt might have been on me, grabbed my bag from where i left it against the railing and left the school.

but as i was walking by the broadcast room, a boy i had never seen before was there, as if studying me. he was wearing a weird kimono of some sort and had a black seal (?) on his right cheek with 封 written in red. i looked back and raised an eyebrow but he walked away. i shrugged and carried on walking to the one place i dreaded most...home.


as soon as i opened the door, the smell of alcohol hit me. i looked around the house, it was clearly a bad day to mess with him. alcohol bottles were all over the floor, some broken some not, there were pills on the counter and my father was on the couch. asleep and snoring.

i tried to tip toe through the living room where all the glass shards from the alcohol bottles were thrown at but then i heard a crunch at my feet. shit.
the snoring had immediately stopped and before i knew it, my arm was grabbed.

i was then thrown onto the ground with all the glass shards. i could feel them pierce through my skin along with blood starting to run down them. my head hit the wall hard. i could see him aproaching me. closer and closer with his hands outstretched to grab me again.

N̸O̸! N̸O̸ ! R̸U̸N̸ A̸W̸A̸Y̸ Y̸/N̸ ! R̸U̸N̸ A̸W̸A̸Y̸ ! i scrambled to my feet with obvious fear in my eyes and ran to my room. i took a look back to see that he had a flared nose and a vein was popping at his neck.


i slammed my door and as soon as i did. he started banging from the outside, screaming, yelling my name. over and over again. i took multiple steps back, watching the door that was still surprisingly hanging on even after all those days where he'd spend days banging on it, where I would spend days curled up in the corner of the room with my hands in my hair, darting my eyes to the door every second he started banging again. and those days, i would go starving. and those days, i had to cut the pain away.

i walked towards the drawer beside my bed and opened it. hands grabbing the one thing that felt so familiar and kept me sane throughout those days. i gripped it and my hands began to shake. it shook so much that i dropped it onto the floor. i starting hyperventilating. i couldn't breathe. i walked towards my bathroom with one hand on my chest and the other reaching for the handle. my pills. i need to find my pills. i got into the bathroom and started rummaging all the possible places i hid them at. my hand suddenly reached a familiar bottle, i quickly took it in my hands and poured the pills into my mouth, swallowing them.

it was as if instantly, i started to calm down. i slid down the wall and put my hands up in my hair, fists curling. y̸̸̸o̸u̸'r̸e̸ o̸k̸a̸y̸̸̸ ! y̸̸̸o̸u̸'r̸e̸ o̸k̸a̸y̸̸̸... i repeated them over and over again knowing that it was a lie, knowing that if he had gotten past the door, i would have either been killed or worse... i slowly stood hands, hands still shaking. i looked in the mirror and saw how bad i looked. i had bruises all over my face from when he would hit me. cuts all over my body, partially from him and partially...from me. my eyes shot down to the glass shards stuck in my arms and legs. fuck. i reached out and placed my fingers at the edge of it. o̸n̸e̸, t̸w̸o̸-

" AH- "

i screamed. despite the size of the glass shard, it hurt like a motherfu- that was only one. i took out some bandages and ointment from the little cabinet above me and started pulling all the shards out, one by one. i did that all night and every night. with my father's yells and banging on the door accompanying me the whole night...



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