chapter 9

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the next day passed by like a blur and it was soon monday. i decided to go in to class for the attendance and then skip. like usual. instead of going to the roof, though, i decided to go out of school, and maybe take a stroll about the nearby places and ended up finding myself near a fast food restaurant.

my stomach growled and I sighed, pulling out my wallet from my pants to see that i had $3.00 which was...enough for a burger. i went to the cashier and ordered my favourite and then left. but as i was leaving i bumped into someone.

" oh my god. OH MY GOD ! you just spilled my latte all over my designer clothes ! you did this on purpose didnt you ?! "

n̸o̸, n̸o̸, n̸o̸, N̸O̸ ! t̸h̸i̸s̸ c̸a̸n̸'t̸ b̸e̸ h̸a̸p̸p̸e̸n̸i̸n̸g̸ ! n̸o̸t̸ h̸e̸r̸ ! i slowly lifted up my head and saw her. how was ? i had moved out from Kyoto to Tokyo because of her. things that she did to me came rushing back-

i suddenly felt as if i couldn't breathe. as if someone had just tried to choke me to death. she...had left me. left me for the dead. spread rumours about me. played victim.

" Y/N ? that' ? uh- h-"

i ran, i didn't care if my legs hurt or if i would bump into someone or crash into a car. i didn't care where my legs would take me to, because i knew it would be somewhere safe.


i found myself back in the broadcasting room. sakura and natsuhiko weren't there so i figured out that they were in class. that was good. good cause i didn't want them to see me like this. it was embarrassing. i walked towards the couch and sat down, curling up into a ball and started to sob.

tsukasa hearing this suddenly ' popped ' out from nowhere and stood in front of me.

" Y/N ? what happened ? "

i didn't respond and he proceeded to poke at my cheek which made me slap his hand away. out of frustration and anger. but he blocked it ( obviously ) and grabbed a hold of my hand.

" who made you cry Y/N. "

it wasn't really a question but at the same time was. i didn't know what to do and started to tell him all about her, all about ayaka ( OC ).

second person pov ( flashback ) :

ayaka used to be one of your best friends from elementary school. you wouldn't say she was a bad person but there were times you thought that way. well if you could say one thing about her, it was that she got things to be her way. she was one of the popular girls, rich, pretty, basically, she was all that. you didn't know how the both of you had become friends to be honest. she was your partner for a project and somehow, things just clicked.

but then for some reason, you felt as if she had started to avoid you. the ayaka who would always be with you 24/7 was rarely even there. she would start to look over her shoulders more often as if wary of something. as if she was scared. she never usually acted like this but when you would ask, she'd just brush it off. you understood a little, after all, being rich and pretty meant she'd stand out a lot, plus she would be more likely to have something bad happen to her considering the amount of money she shows off all the time.

and then one day, when you were walking home after your floorball practice with her, you noticed how agitated she was and how a van was following the both of you. during that time, there had been rumours of some guy going off to kidnap girls and stuff so it was safer to walk home with someone they said.

the van started getting closer and closer and you felt something you never had before. the van came up and then suddenly the doors were yanked open and two men rushed toward the both of you, grabbing at your arms and trying to pull you into the van. you still vividly remember how they were dressed in full black. you could remember how the both of you were screaming, thrashing about, and how ayaka had gotten free and instead of helping you, just ran away. you stared helpless and was about to let yourself be dragged out by the unknown men when you heard someone yell.

hearing that, the men immediately dropped you and hopped into the car, yelling at the driver to drive. your mind was blank even though the person who saved you was asking you questions like : " are you okay ? " " what's your parent's number ? " you ignored them, after all, how could you not when you were left there to fend for yourself ? who knows what would have happened if you hadn't gotten saved ?

that incident had deeply traumatised you to the point you wouldn't step out of the house in fear. your parents obviously tried to get you to come out of your room but you remained inside despite the number of times they tried to lure you out with your favourite foods or drinks. the same thought lingered in your head, you were left for the dead.

a few days after your incident, the news had announced that the body of 5 girls were found and showed signs of rape having been done and that they were most likely choked to death. that piece of news was your breaking point. apparently, ayaka had also been spreading rumours about how you left her to die and how she had gotten away when you knew full well it was a lie. you didn't have the guts to go to school because of that, and begged your parents to move to another part of Japan, or to the other side of the world even better. which thus led you to Kyoto. 


back to first person pov ( end of flashback ) :

i looked up through my tears at tsukasa. his reaction was...unreadable. i felt him grip my hand tighter, at this point, i could see his face crunched up, his eyes were flashing with anger.

" i'm going to kill her. "

it wasn't a question, it was a statement rather. i didn't care if he was going to kill her, i. didn't. care. the hatred i had been holding, the betrayal i felt, i wouldn't shed a tear if she died. i wouldn't.

" tsukasa... if that's what you want to do, go ahead. "

poison laced my words as i pulled away and tried to lie down on the couch.

" okay Y/N. "

he smiled and then took a step towards me, leaned down and gave me a small peck on the lips before vanishing. i touched my lips and smiled.


im sorry for the long update!
ive been quite busy with school and stuff 😭
but here's the awaited chapter 9 !

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