✌︎ ︎Ace Degenerate ✌︎︎

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109... 109 is the apartment number Itzel and the Diaz family were now staying at. The family was small, but Itzel wouldn't trade them for anything. The Diaz family consisted of Yaya Rose, Carmen, Miguel and herself.

The Diaz's moved from Riverside to Reseda in hopes of a better, more affordable life. Carmen, the twins mom, received an offer for a nursing job at an understaffed hospital. She grasped at the opportunity and they moved.

Itzel was almost grateful. Her old school was not the best place. It was the classic high school of stereotypes. However, the teens in the school found her almost disturbing.

She hadn't done anything wrong, got good grades and was sweet to those who were nice to her, but everything would go downhill once they looked in her eye.

One eye was a normal brown eye, but the other was red. Not a red iris, but the part of the eye that's supposed to be white, the sclera. It's not fully red, or a bright red, however it is noticeable.

You may be wondering, why not just get it looked at? The answer is... they have. They have went to many doctors and nurses and they have tried to diagnose her with many different things, and they have tried to treat it, but nothing has worked.

Itzel was moving her last box into her new room when Miguel came back inside from looking through the mail and went straight to her room. The twin bond was strong. They used to do everything together, of course it's different now that they are older, but they are still practically glued to the hip.

"Just met our new neighbor..." Miguel trailed off at the end of the sentence, seemingly not wanting to continue the sentence.

"And... finish the sentence Miguel. How bad is it?" Itzel was good at noticing when Miguel seems disappointed, considering he can barely hide his emotions. They always show.

Miguel clicked his tongue. "Not the nicest, to say the least."

"Not everyone is good with people."

"Of course you would know." Itzel rolled her eyes.
It's common knowledge to anyone who has ever known her that she is not a people person, however sometimes there are exceptions, like Miguel.

"Whatever. Go unpack or play some music and help me decorate my room."

Miguel grinned. He took out his phone and played Disney music. A guilty pleasure of both of the twins. They began to hang up Itzel's vinyls, posters, Harry Styles album and other decorations.


Walking. One thing that Itzel could stand as long as she had company or music. Today she had company. Her and Miguel were walking to a strip mall near their new apartment to pick up some medicine for their Yaya Rose who was not feeling well.

Their mother had said that some store called the Mini-Mart would have some Pepto Bismol that they could pick up. And that was the store that they had just laid eyes on.

The twins walked through the door. Itzel noticed that the store looked kinda sketchy but chose to pay no mind to it because there was a man here who was buying food, so she assumed that it was safe to enter. She also noticed the music playing which seemed to lead Miguel to assume that the guy behind the counter could speak Spanish.

one of the same // eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now