~where is all started~

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Alice's perspective

It was a breezy afternoon the wind buzzed in the air and Reko was getting ready to go out in her usual grey outfit and wacky earnings while a certain Yabusame was still on the couch with his messy blue hair

Reko: ok I'm about to go out with Nao. I will be back at 3:00 and PLEASE don't touch my guitar

That's all what Reko cared about if she was out. It was always about her dang guitar and how I shouldn't touch it or anything. I don't know why she loves it so much but she always says how it was apparently expensive

Alice: yup I know not like you tell me what everytime
I said in my usual bored voice

Reko: ok good Nao is here j better get going
Alice: ok see ya!

And just like that Reko was gone and Alice imminently let out a bored sigh while turning his head to the left

I mean it's pathetic she always treats me like I'm a kid all because some stupid ass guitar!? Like his over protective can she get

~1 hour later because I don't have the lifespan to write a hour long plot~

Alice was still slumped down on the couch just scrolling on his phone

Alice: is there anything to do!?

Alices voice just echoed through the house like a empty moved out house

Alice was still on the couch until he had a great idea

Alice: maybe I can just go ahead and play with Rekos guitar I mean she wouldn't mind! Plus she won't even notice!

Alice got off the couch and headed upstairs and went to the door with a bunch of posters on It and quickly headed inside
Surprisingly the Guitar was easy to find and was covered in red shiny paint with a yellow mark with it

Alice: holy crap!? I can see why she didn't want me playing with this bad boy! It looks sick as shit!


Alice: she wouldn't mind if i played a few notes right?

And just like that Alice started jamming at the guitar like he was some expert at it but he was just jamming notes but it still sounded cool! After each note it seemed like the time went by quicker

Alice: holy shit I should go get my Phone and send a video to Ranmaru!

Alice started to walk out the room with the guitar being carried by just one hand to head downstairs and get his phone

Alice on the 3rd step messed up he slipped letting go of the guitar and quickly falling down the stairs cursing like crazy

Alice: holy shit!? I hate when that happ....

Alice's mouth hung wide open he saw the guitar in broken peices scrampled all over the bottom of the stairs
Like it was just sent to a junk yard

Alice: holy shit!? Fuck no!? All this just to get my Phone!? Reko is gonna beat the living shit out my ass when she gets home

Alice started picking up peice by peice panicking and panicking until he thought

Duck tape

Alice scurried his way to the drawer searching the whole thing just for the role of duck tape

Alice: shit!? This is bad!? How do you even lose such a big ass thing of tape!?

Alice grabbed the duct tape and once he got to the guitar peices someone was at the door

Reko.....mouth wide open looked filled with anger like she was about to kill Alice...

Reko: you dumass!? What the fuck did you do to my guitar!?
Alice: look reko! I was just trying to play it
Reko: dumass!? That's the best excuse you can come up with!? I obviously told you to not touch it!?
Alice: look I know it was just a mist-
Reko: how the Bell is this a mistake!? Do you know how much this costs!?
Alice: no!? You always make a big deal about its price
Reko: 600$ you fucking dumass!? You better pay the fuck up
Alice: i don't have any cash on me!?
Reko: then go find a job dumass!
Reko seemed that she was starting to calm down but was obviously angry at Alice
Reko: look I just need 600$ just find a simple job to get you the cash
Alice: but nobodies gonna take a fucking low life like me!?
Reko: well you better find someone who's gonna take a low life by you or I swear to God
Alice signed
Alice: fine
Reko: good I will start making dinner just clean up the mess

Reko walked into the kitchen and pulled any random thing out the freezer
I mean this is dum as shit I have to now go ahead and find a job to find me 600$!?bullshit....well I might as well just clean up this mess

First chapter! ( 816 words!)

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