~the job?~

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It was another afternoon and Alice was out trying to find a job while Reko was on the couch with her gf Nao

Reko: yea he kinda accidently record my guitar I can't play it right now
Nao: oh! It's fine!
Reko: yea I guess but he still better pay up or I'm gonna take everything in his room even his bed!
Nao: well let's not go that extre-

Alice entered the doorway looking tired as hell and desprate

Nao: hello Alice! Did you get any Jobs?
Alice: no!? The minute they saw me they started freaking out making excuses! Christ I'm never gonna find a job

Alice face planted into the couch groaning

Nao: well I mean there's one place that might accept you!
Reko: Nao!? Your helping him now!?
Nao: cmon Reko! Can't you see he's desprete plus he's gonna pay you!
Reko: fine I guess.... Ok what's your idea?

Nao pulled out a dirty card from her pocket

Nao: sorry it's kinda old! It's a Cafe that my friend used it work at before it started becoming a downfall! The owner is looking for anyone to be a worker! And he's just a old man now that runs the shop! I think it would be nice Alice to help out a guy in need!

Alice took the card

Alice: you really think that the owner is willing to give me this job? I mean I'm a downreck look at me and plus! I'm way to tired right now to go to a interview

Nao: like I said he's looking for anybody! Plus you just got to text him!
Alice: oh so this is why there is a number on the back?
Nao: yup!
Reko: Nao when the heck did you even get that card!? It looks like it was made before I was born!?
Nao: I have no clue! I just keep random things in my pocket!
Alice: thank you so much Nao! I don't know what I could have done I have time go to my room now
Reko and Nao: ok see ya!

Alice rushed up into his room with the card and his Phone and quickly inserted the number

Random person

Uhm is this the person who owns Birchwood cafe?

Yes it is

I would like to have a job there? My names Alice
And I'm kinda looking for a job and I'm kinda desprete

Sure how about this today's wendsday
You can come in tommorrow and start
Your first shift!

Sure! That's great! See you

Alice quickly signed off the phone

Alice: Christ only a day to get ready to meet the owner? I guess that gives me a head start

Alice leaned back into his pillow and slowly started drifting off to sleep to take a nap

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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