Yahoo~ [A/n]

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Apologies for the past few chapters having for Author's notes but I just wanted to wish you all luck on pulling for Zhongli or Ganyu, or if you are saving then i wish you the best luck in getting what you need <3 

Due to a commenters concern (i spelled that wrong i just know it) I have been taking breaks and not overworking myself, thank you for the concern my certain darling! <3 

Thank you for all the support btw!! We officially reached 1k reads!! I am so happy you guys enjoy this series and I hope that we can keep growing and I can keep writing for you all!! <3

I love you all my dears. Also uhm sorry but I will be getting pretty busy soon as I have a collage program that I'm in and it's a bit hard to balance that and this book although, I promise that I will always make time for writing for you all!

Odds in Your Favour - Being rewritten as Metanoia!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora