Chapter 18: Contest

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"Okay Class! We have a contest tomorrow so be ready. Seoyeon Kim is our Representative." the professor said that shocked me.

"M-Me?" I whispered. The professor looked at me and smiled, I smiled back in respect.

"What kind of Contest Prof?" Jungkook ask.

"A Beauty Queen Contest" she said and smiled.

"We don't have classes tomorrow all day and on monday, tuesday and thursday! Class Dismiss!" She said we stand up and bow as she leaves the room.

We go out the Room and go downstairs.
We are walking when i feel that someone is at our back i push Jungkook and Yoongi Oppa and i run to the left side.

"Oh! A new bullies!" I said that made them mad.

"Hahaha!" They laughed as I punched them.

"Keep in distance to me and to them or you will be in hospital for a years!" I said in a demonic way that made everyone shock. The bullies ran up even the student who was watching us give us a way.

"That was cool, Noona." Namdongsaeng said I just smiled.

"Sorry I just... don't want everybody to hurt me or even you!" I said in a low voice.

"Yah! It's okay! We understand." They said and smiled, i smiled too.

We got up to the van and Jin hyung drive the van to the building.

"Seoyeonie are you ready for the Contest tomorrow?" Sohyun asks and looks at me.

"Yeah!" I said while nodding. She smiled

"Good Luck!" They all said I just smiled and chuckled at them.

"Thank You!" I said.

We all go out and walk in the building.

Few Minutes Later

We are here at their room. Sohyun said that she will stay at us for one night. They agreed. She slept on the floor so I decided to switch she will be in my bed and I will sleep on the floor.

She didn't say any words because I hate Fight for small things. After we ate our Dinner I decided to slept.

Good night!

3 Am In The Morning

I woke up so early. I decided to wash myself and go downstairs. I decide to cook a dish for our Breakfast. After cooking I checked my phone it was 4:58 am. Wow!

That was quick. I decide to place the plates, bowl, spoon, fork, meat knife, cup, and the glass to the tables and the Kitchen Napkins, I served the foods I cooked and place it to the dining table. I also took the rice from the Rice Cooker and put it on the rice bowl and I also cooked pancakes.

The members start to go downstairs and finish their morning routine.

"Good morning Hyung." Jungkook said while fixing his hair what? He thought I'm jin oppa?

"I'm Seoyeon Kookie." I said that make him look at me.

"Noona? You cooked a breakfast for us?" He said in wide eyes and shock expression.

"Yeah!" I said then he ranned to the tables to see my prepared foods.

"Go, Call your Hyungs and Noona!" I said he nodded and ran upstairs.

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