Chapter 8

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Scorpius was coming home for another weekend, longing to see his husband again.

"I'm home!" he called once he came through the floo. There was no answer. "Albus?" he tried again. "Honey?"

He entered the kitchen and found a note on the table. He picked it up and read it.

Running late tonight. I'll be home by 8 //Albus x

He looked at the time. It was 8.30. He sighed and put the note back before checking the fridge. He noticed they were running out of groceries by the sight of the half empty butter cup, one package of juice and some of Albus's leftovers. Scorpius thought he wouldn't mind if he took one, so he grabbed one of the boxes and heated it up with a simple spell.

An hour passed and Albus had still not showed up. Scorpius was getting worried now. Like he was back in the dark horrifying reality without him. He was sat in the sofa wrapped in a blanket and watched the TV, still hadn't bothered to get rid of the empty dinner box.

Soon enough he heard the sound of someone apparating, followed by the familiar footsteps making their way upstairs. Shortly after he heard the water running from the shower. The water turned off and the steps were heard once again. Albus came down the stairs and headed directly towards the kitchen, without even noticing Scorpius's presence in the living room. He got out of the couch and followed him.

"Hey", he said to Albus who was grabbing some leftovers. "I had one of those for dinner. I'll do the cooking tomorrow."

"Okay", Albus said while heating up his late dinner.

"Also, we need to get groceries this weekend. I noticed that we're running out."

Albus sighed just as he started eating. "I don't think I'll have time for that."

There was a silence

"You're late", Scorpius said.

"I know", Albus said. "Sorry. So much at work going on at once."

"So much you wouldn't even bother to say hello to your husband?"

"Now is not the time!" Albus snapped.

"You haven't seen me this entire week and you're acting like it's just another day", Scorpius pointed out. "Aren't you glad to see me again, or what?"

"Of course I'm glad to see you", Albus said followed by a sigh.

"Then show it."

"Scorpius, now is not the time!" Albus shouted and slammed the table.

"When?!" Scorpius yelled and got up on his feet. "When will you have time for your own husband who only comes home at weekends? Isn't this marriage good enough for you? Am I like your sex toy now or what?"

"Shut up!" Albus yelled. "Will you shut up for one second?"

Scorpius froze. Never in this entire relationship, or even friendship had he ever used that tone against him.

"And Tori?" Scorpius finally cracked out. "Would you even notice your own daughter if she was here?"

"Leave her out of this!" Albus shouted and slammed the table once again, this time kicking his chair away. "Don't you fucking dare. Don't you dare accusing me for such a thing."

"What?" Scorpius said calmly, knowing exactly where he was going. "You don't wanna be seen as the kind of dad you grew up with, is that it?"

"How dare you compare me to him?" Albus snapped, this time in a lower tone.

"Just something to keep in mind", Scorpius said.

"Fuck you", Albus snapped, refusing to let his tears come out. "Fuck you, Scorpius! You have no fucking idea what it's like. To work your ass all day, fighting criminals, having your timetables changed repeatedly and thinking about how to be there for your daughter! Don't make yourself another one of my issues."

"Fine", Scorpius said. "You won't have to see me for the rest of the night."

* * * * *

Tori woke up the following saturday morning to find Bella's bed empty. She had been acting a little bit off lately and for once Tori couldn't figure out why. Usually she'd talk to her whenever something was up however these days she'd rather be by herself.

Tori went out to look for her. First she checked the great hall. Nothing there. She went to check the courtyard, where she found Amanda, Aria and Jovie.

"Hey, Tori!" Amanda called. "Come and join us."

"Has any of you seen Bella around?" Tori asked them. "I can't find her."

"We saw her when we left the great hall", Aria said. "We said hi but she didn't notice."

"I'm not sure she's doing so well", Jovie said.

"Yeah", Tori said. "That's why I need to talk to her."

"Have you checked the library?" Aria asked.

"That's where I thought of heading next", Tori said.

"I hope you'll find her", Jovie said.

With that Tori made her way straight to the library, and just as she reached there she bumped into someone who seemed to be in a hurry.

"Bella!" Tori said. "I was just looking for you."

"Me? Why?" Bella said.

Why wouldn't I? Tori thought, surprised her best friend would ever ask that. "I just... wanted to see my best friend", she finally said.

"Oh", Bella said. "Not be rude but I'd rather be alone right now."

"Is something wrong?" Tori asked desperate to reach her. "You can talk to me, you know."

"I don't need to talk to you", Bella said without the slightest guilt.

"Bella? What's going on with you?"

"Just leave me alone", Bella snapped. "I don't need your innocent pity"

"What have I done wrong?!" Tori asked just as Bella was leaving.

"You've been in my way", Bella said and walked off.

Tori was left there alone looking after her.

* * * * *

The very same morning Albus woke up in his bed. He turned to Scorpius's side ready to hug him good morning and apologise for their argument the day before. Although the only thing he could feel was the sleek bed sheet. Was he already up? He couldn't hear anything from the kitchen. He got out of bed and slipped on his robe to check. Once he entered the kitchen he found a note on the table.

Albus. This is getting out of hand. I can't take where this relationship is going. I think it's best for us to stay apart for a bit before anything gets worse, so from now on I'll be staying at work until things are settling down. Then we need to make a decision on what to do next. Goodbye for now. //Scorpius 

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