Mongol-Lourian war part 2

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5th Japanese naval fleet commander pov

I was following my commands as I was told to attack their fleet to destroy their naval effort while our troops made way to help the allied nation known as Quill fight the Lourians off. I smiled as one of our aircraft carriers sent some fighters to guard the bombers with one mission. To bomb the capital of Louria itself.

3rd Egyptian fighter squad commander pov

We began to move towards the capital of Louria then we sighted the wyverns which we focused on dispatching while I saw our bombers drop 12 gallons of Napalm on the enemy. (The Geneva convention occured but the Mongols didn't sign it which no one tried to force them because they knew that the Mongols in war were brutal in every way and fighting them even in a border war is scary.) I smiled as I gunned down another wyvern as the enemy was screaming for mercy but the Mongols told us to show no mercy because us Mongols are in a new world and we need to show everyone that we show no mercy in combat. This was welcomed from the public as many said that this is a gift from Gengis Khan and they must use it to their advantage.

Hark Louria XXXIV pov

 I lost a lot of my wyvern force and my economy took a huge hit with that bombing.... My naval force must prepare to win this conflict or this war is as good as over.... I hope my army fighting the demi-humans wins otherwise I might as will capitulate my country now....

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