Mongol-Lourian war part 4

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8th Chinese infantry battalion commander pov

I watched the enemy and began to fire at them mowing plenty of them down to distract them as much as we could. I smiled as this drew them away from their next to impossible advance to the Quillians and our allies which helped them fire back and confuse the horde for 1 minute which was all we needed for the tanks to run them down.

1st Mongolian tank battalion commander pov

I smiled as the enemy was distracted and quickly told my men to advance then I smiled as I heard screams as we ran them over confusing them on their targets even further... NO MERCY BOIS!

Third person pov

The Lourians began to scream as they ran away to try and avoid death while others attacked the tanks the ones that ran got gunned down while the ones fighting the tanks got either ran over or fired upon killing them. Then the 1st Mongol tank commander smiled as she exited her tank and said. " NEXT WE GO TO JIN-HARK!! "

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