Maybe the world wasn't ment to survive

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Loud bangs echoed through the jungle, hurting his ear's and causing an instant state of worry. Scott wasn't sure if he was tired and delusional from the continuous effort of collecting saplings or the weather suddenly changed. 

Dark sky and lightning, The Earth around the Elven king shook violently, distorted his thoughts. It didn't mean anything good if it meant anything at all. However, he thought it safer to go to spawn, if no one came, it was just him.

A doubtful whisper in the back of his head argued there was no way, that darkness would rule as life gave way to nothing; to a new start, or maybe an alternative.


Spawn was in disarray. Small chasms leading to a fiery end, the builders guild in ruins. It hurt him a little, as if it was the foundation of his life, as if the start of this chapter started there, not in the Rivendell hospital, being watched by exhausted parents and joyful brother.


Joey came in close to tears. Apparently his empire was gone, the crashing sound an explosion, leaving his kingdom in ashes, millennia of progress wiped from his grasp in a single second. Fear tried to grab hold of him, anxious Rivendell could also be destroyed. 

Everything seemed to be going wrong.


Jimmy ran in crying, distraught and covered in cinders, muscles obviously tired. Scott resisted the strange urge to run to him, comfort him, stay with him until the hurt dissipated and the only thing that was left was calm. 

Yet he didn't, his dreams, a reality that he could only use as closure, just out of reach, as if life watched and laughed at his misfortune.

At everyone's misfortune.

"fWhip. He's bye bye, he's gone." The current emperor gone? That wasn't possible, right? He should just respawn. 

Or did the explosion finish him off?

Gem ran in, followed by...fWhip. Whatever happened, he suffered, clothes ripped; body covered in sut. He too seemed as if all he needed right now was sleep, imagine the trama was a dream, that he would be fine tomorrow.

Yet it couldn't be that way could it? 


So this was fWhip and Jimmy, the two idiots not realising two polar opposites were never meant to work together, even if they were kin in blood and species, they were destined to be apart. Yet they did it anyway. All for the Cod head. It was as if the blonde was so obsessed about approval from the council that he couldn't see what was stood in front of him, that he didn't need a stupid title or special head to be loved.

Yet he wouldn't get the chance to see that.

Scott zoned back in to Joey seething, scorning Gem for being so neutral. Yet he envied it. A normal life in peace instead of war and drowning in his past. 

However, he suddenly remembered his empire could be on the verge of collapse prompted him into flight, saying rushed goodbyes.

Only if he knew, only if he could have taken more time, allowed himself to break those icy walls down. Because he wasn't going to be back here was he? Never see the bright smiles and hear pointless arguments.


Light. Blinding orange fire burning his life and his home. It cut through his heart like a sword. Tentacles grew from the ground, ruining the picturesque feeling of his kingdom. It was as if a war had reigned, dragging his empire down with its defeat.

Xornoth was back.

He needed the rune blade, hidden within his bed. He had never though about using it, magical carvings and unheard of power. It felt foreign, felt wrong, felt dangerous to wield. His brother wouldn't use it against him, yet he didn't know what he could do with it. He remembered finding it, trapped in ice as the red crystal that held Xornoth was. A spike destined for him, yet fate wouldn't tell him why, or when, or what for; who for.

Everything was gone, the stag statue and enchanting tower toppled, a heavy weight of dread tensing his shoulders and elevating his sense of despair. 

He hoped, yearned for this to be a nightmare. Aeor's wicked way of playing mind games with him, keeping him vigilant. Yet as he descended the scaffolding, reality punched him in the face. 

In front of him sat the ice, fractured and broken, red seeping from it.

His brother had escaped. Free to plague a land already falling at the seams. Free to destroy something already broken and shattering the hopes and dreams of rulers. He couldn't imagine the turmoil other emperors must be feeling. 

Though, could he speak of unrest when he was watching his home burn, watching the life he had made for himself hurtle towards termination and he was stood, observing when he could be do something.

He couldn't.

The fire was spreading far too quickly, corruption devouring buildings with the sole intention of hurt. It wasn't hurting the citizens. 


It was spiting Scott. Cackling an eerie laugh that he remembered of his brother, eyes red with delusion, a puppet on tight strings. He couldn't escape the future those higher than himself had decided, the universe writing his story as he walked, trying to find his twin. 

End this, however he was supposed to end it.


Cliffhanger because I'm nice (mean)

A sorrowful sacrifice, An enraptured endingWhere stories live. Discover now