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Its night in NewYork rn. Something or someone just pops out of the ground in some alley near the trashcans. Its y/n a demon who is a criminal down there in uh hell ig.
Y/n looks around themselfs and notices that they are in some strange world. Y/n goes away from the alley and sees a bunch of creatures wearing some stupid rags on them.
Y/n goes back to the trashbins to look for something similiar to it to wear
They put on those rags which were really big shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Y/n struggled with their tail so they somehow made a hole in the shorts. They walked around the city but noticed that the hoomans looked strangely at them.

Y/n thinked to themselfs: 'huh do i look weird?' (nah you are just a demon with red skin and a tail nothing weird there)

At some moment everyone started screaming and running

"huh the fuc-"

Something green spilled all over y/n

"uuuuuuh......WHAT THE ACTUAL F-"

Y/n was cut off by a giant turtle that just grabbed them and put a needle in their shoulder

They quickly slammed the turtle on the ground and broke the needle

"ay what the heaven???"

The turtle strangely looked at y/n

"what do you want eh? Poison me?"

The turtle quickly glanced behind y/n and the other three turtles fell on them

The turtle with a red mask tied their hands behind their back

Y/n smirked
"kinky 😏" (the cringe😭)

The turtles looked at me and the one with a blue mask looked at me and said:
"huh why arent you mutating?"

Y/n looks at the turtle confused
"why arent i what now??"

The purple one looks at me and says:
"hm thats really strange....maybe Master Splinter will know something about them...you see that they look different than the others"

The blue one nods his head and says to them:
"come with us"

"why thou?" they said

The red one looks a lil bit irritated and says:
"because we told you so now move!"

"i cant rlly with my hands tied u know?"

The red one unties my hands

"better" y/n says

"now come with us" the red one says

"nope" they say

"Why not??!!" the red one says

"because idk who tf you are"

The Orange one says then "but we have pizza"

"whats that?" y/n says

"food" the Orange one says

"im in"

"so where is yalls home?"

The blue one says "sewage"

"idk whats dat but seems lit"

We all get to the sewage enterance (im sorry idk how else to write it)


And thats the end of this first chapterr

im sorry for my bad english and cringe im rlly rlly sorry

Hope yall will like the rest bye~✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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