|| Kept Secrets ||

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It was a Saturday afternoon and the girls were on one. Shy and her best friend Lulu were upset, they felt that a couple girls from Jay Street were trying to push down on them. Shy and Lulu were never the type to be in drama but when it was time to get active they were always ready, no questions asked! Shy and Lulu were always considered the "quiet smart school girls, and lit best friends on the weekends." They most definitely stood on their title. Lulu always been the friend to pop off when she felt it was pressure being built up. Shy on the other hand was always the laid back friend that was all about her business, but they both were most definitely some get money ass girls.
  "BITCH PULL UP RIGHT NOW 2237 WESTBOUND DR. IMMA SHOW YOU PUSSY HOES WHAT I'M ABOUT!" Lulu screamed on her end of the phone arguing with the other girls from Jay Street. "LULU, GIRL YOU NOT ON SHIT MATTER OF FACT WE ON OUR WAY!"
Said one of the other girls on the other end of the phone. "Alright see y'all when y'all get here." Shy said staying calm before hanging up the phone.
  Thirty minutes had went by and the girls finally pulled up. Lulu went trampolining down the steps geeking to get outside and Shy followed right behind her.


  "HOE DON'T PLAY!" Lulu said while dragging the girl while punching her in her jaw. "BESTIE YOU GOOD?" Lulu said to Shy while still fighting. "I'M GREAT!" Shy said while boxing the other girls friend.
  Blood was everywhere, and everybody got a couple hits in. Lulu got thrown around a couple times but she most definitely did her part. Shy got hit twice in the face, once in the eye, and the other time in the lip, but that made her get even crazier, and Shy didn't stop until the other girl face was leaking. It took for Ms. April who was Lulu's mom, and Lulu's big brothers Meechie and Louie get Shy off of the other girl before she stopped fighting.
Two hours went by and the drama cooled down. Lulu and Shy's video was viral on Instagram before they could even wake up from their nap.
"Damn sis y'all went up." Meechie said lightly laughing awaking Lulu up from her nap on the couch.
"What happened!" Lulu asked.
"This video happened." Louie responded, showing Lulu the live stream of the fight that was recorded by bystanders.
"It is what it is." Lulu responded.
"No the fuck it ain't, bringing that ghetto ratchet shit to my front porch." April said.
"I'm sorry mama." Lulu said.
"Lulu you're always sorry, and I can't have you acting like this, this is why you have no choice but to go stay with your daddy until the end of your senior year." April said.
"Mama I don't wanna go out there with daddy." Lulu said.
"Yes, you do baby, it's better out there, you might even boost your chance for an academic or sports scholarship at a college of your choice, you're good at both baby, matter of fact I'm calling him now!" Said April as she walked back to her bedroom.
"This is so unfair I hate it there, Meechie and Louie turned out just fine." Lulu said to herself underneath of her breath.
"No, we didn't, you barely did, you see that we all got momma's last name and not our dad's last name." Louie responded.
"You should be happy that your dad even cares enough about you to let you stay with him, matter of fact be grateful, cause your daddy been living lavish in the Suburbs with multiple cars, a good job, and has multiple sources of income to afford all of your needs, unlike us paying mama rent, paying to get her hair and nails done, buying her designer, and paying off her G-Wagon with drug money, just so that she can shut the fuck up and be content until the next nigga come take care of her all while out here grinding for us too. Lu matter of fact who the fuck you think been taking care of y'all since me and Louie been in the streets? Me and Louie Lu... We want better for you, you need proper discipline, we love you Lu. You're our baby sister Lu!" Meechie said.
"Man whatever" Lulu said, heading upstairs to her room to pack her essentials.
Two hours passed, and surprisingly Shy slept through everything that happened. Shy was always a deep sleeper though, so when Shy woke up Lu explained everything that took place, and they cried together afterwards. Lulu explained to Shy that she would come home on the weekends, and that she would never switch up. Shy took everything hard because Lulu was her only friend, and Lulu had always been there for Shy when she needed her the most.
A 2023 Amg Benz Coupe pulled up hours later. April ran outside to hug Lulu's daddy.
"Hey lady." Said Lonnie while hugging April back.
"You look good." Said April.
"You know I stay in and out of the gym." Said Lonnie flexing his biceps.
"Boy stop playing." April said laughing, walking away from the conversation to go get Lulu from out of the house.
Minutes later Lulu finally made it outside of her house. She hugged her mom, Shy, Meechie, and Louie. Everybody said their goodbyes as they packed Lu's daddy's car with her belongings.
  It was now going on ten o'clock at night and Lu and her daddy was pulling off. Shy stayed outside while everybody else went back inside to get a breath of fresh air, she couldn't believe her best friend was gone that quick until the summer time all over a fight that could've been avoided.
  Shy and Lu had a bucket list that they planned on completing throughout the school year, but now that things are changed she decided on what to do next.
Shy was outside by herself until Meechie and Louie walked out.
"Aight bro ima holla at you."
Louie said getting into his hellcat, about to go pick up his daughter for the rest of the weekend.
Meechie replied, walking up to his Range Rover, unlocking his car door, on his way to see his baby mama and son.
"Aye Ma you need a ride home?" Meechie asked Shy with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah bae, but you already knew that." Shy said matching his energy.
Meechie and Shy had been talking for about two years on and off without anyone knowing. Meechie is nineteen and Shy is seventeen, they've been talking ever since Shy was fourteen and Meech was sixteen. With everything going on with Lulu, Meech decided to break the silence with Shy. He didn't want Shy walking around sad, Meech was definitely deep in-love with Shy but he didn't want to make it weird between Lu and Shy.
  Meech and Shy stopped talking about a year ago due to Meechie having a son nine months ago named Bentley, so when they would see each-other in April's house they would completely ignore each-other, but at a time like this they really needed one another.

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