The Trial Part One (Yipee):

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    While he and Epic lounged in the peculiar Judgment hall that had been at the other end of Reaper's choppy portal, boredom soon reared its ugly head. "Heyyyy'a, Reaper so, long is this trial thing-y supposed to last"? Epic who'd been lounging lazily on one of the great pillars that reached to the weirdly missing ceiling had asked, obviously growing impatient with his current situation. Reaper tilted his head towards Epic, his braid sliding off his shoulders slowly, "Well buddy, hate to say it but, I have absolutely no idea" Reaper raised his hands in a whoops manner and happily ignored Epic's pained groan and raised middle finger.

A couple minutes of awkward silence filled the room, making Reaper's skin itch, he mulled over his thoughts weighing the choices he could make and what would come if them, One; He maybee could start a conversation with Epic, or Two; Ignore him throughout the whole trial until its, thankfully finally over. The latter option sounded way more appealing to him, apparently it wasn't the same for Epic, who surprisingly broke the tense silence, "So, um...question, why is there no ceiling here"? Epic seemed to genuinely wonder why, so Reaper decided to humor him. What was that saying mortals had...? Time flies by when you're having fun? Yeah that seemed right, mine as well put it to the test.

"Well, to be honest I don't know why there's no ceiling, I'd assume Miss.Life wouldn't be able to last too long without the sight of her beautiful sky". Reaper snickered at that, and surprisingly he heard a slight chuckle from Epic. Odd, He thought, normally Geno would shrug off that statement and ask for an actual reason. Reaper blinked, Okay wow comparing some random dude to one of his closest and actually only friends, he gave a quick shake of his head cause that didn't seem to be a healthy thing to do. Whatever, it doesn't matter he'd be rid of the purple anomaly soon. They had already lapsed into silence again; this one was not as uncomfortable as the last, this Reaper was thankful for. Reaper yawned, he had missed out on his morning cup of coffee, thanks to the trial and now he was starting to feel sleep rising around his head, like someone had just wrapped his head in a baby soft blanket. Epic the keen bastard had noticed this, and motioned Reaper towards him with a weird look in his eyes that Reaper couldn't care less to decipher, So with nothing better to do he floated the short distance to the pillar Epic had been using as a pillow for the last couple of hours. As he floated his cloak eerily merged with his shadow creating the illusion that he was walking, or at least he hoped it would do that, he's never really checked.

He finally made it to Epic, even though he might have only been a few feet away, it didn't matter Reaper was tired so he had an excuse. His back hit the pillar and he clumsily slid down his grumbling as his head got knocked against it, he was however coherent enough to put some distance between him and Epic, can't have him dying right before he could get to live again. The blanket in his head was superrr comfortable, and honestly this pillar made a great pillow...he was probably delirious, maybe if he just closed his eyes this would all be a stupid dream. Huh...? Oh Epic had said something, he turned his towards him, his eyebrows raised, it was about as close to forming words as he could get, man he was even more tired than he realized maybe admitting it had caused his brain to finally realize too. "Seriously, bro"? Epic seemed more sentimental than annoyed which is what his words had seemed to convey. Or not, again Reaper was Delirious, suddenly Epic was waving his hand near his face, Reaper jerked back, how long had he been doing that? Epic took notice of this and laughed, he seemed to be enjoying this, Reaper thought bitterly.

"Here Bud" Epic tossed a strange vial towards Reaper, who narrowly caught it. Reaper brought it closer to his eyes so his vision would focus quicker, the vial seemed to be made outta a strange hard plastic, with a small cork in it. "What. Is. this."? Reaper asked, disdain dripping from his voice, the fog in his head had momentarily lifted and had left him genuinely be-fuddled. "Pure Espresso" Epic said casually as if this was a normal thing to have in your pockets, Reaper gave him a baleful look holding the vile between his pointer finger and thumb, Epic put his hands up in surrender, and while Reaper was still some-what conscious and watching him, he snagged another one from his pocket rather quickly. Reaper quirked an eyebrow at this, Epic then popped the cork on the vial and drowned the glass in shot, making an odd show of how bad and strong it was, shaking his head and muttering curses.

Shrugging his shoulders Reaper copied Epic, downing the vial as well, the Espresso shot would keep him awake hopefully until the trial's over, from how Epic had acted it must not be that strong. I mean he was the Grim Reaper. He's had stronger things before.


It felt like his mind was exploding, he could taste colors and hear noise, his heart was beating in-humanley fast. If he had been a mortal man he's convinced he'd be dead.

His vision was spinning or was that him...? His eyes flickered off and on, the comforting blanket having melted with his mind. His throat felt constricting, he was choking, he was dying- and then...

Oh and then, mind numbing bliss, sure his ears were still ringing but it was gone whatever it had been in the first place. As soon as his vision came back his hearing was quick to follow and soon he was met with the sound of cackling laughter coming from the purple coated Bitch, and the cause of what Reaper would sum up to a messed up acid trip.

He was seething, his teeth grated against each other echoing loudly in his now awake mind, he whipped his head around his braid flying behind him, and had half the mind to chuck Epic out one of the many intricate stained windows, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DUDE-"!? His voice cracked from lack of use and his abnormally dry throat, He glared holes through Epic's head as the man was still laughing his ass off, though on his account was trying to calm down, waving his hands in an X manner in front of him and trying to take deep breaths between each laugh.

His laughing eventually died down, and finally he answered Reaper; "Ok ok ok, I know I owe you an explanation", He paused to let out a small chuckle and Reaper cleared his throat loudly to get him back on track, "Sooo, I lied that wasn't Espresso...buttt in technicality it was still coffee" This is taking to long Reaper thought sourly as Epic continued his long-winded excuse, "I created basically this super formula of Espresso, I call it chemical X, uhm...and uh, it's so strong it has the effects of a bad acid trip"- "Soooo, why on earth would you give that to me"? Reaper interrupted Epic with a sickly sweet smile, voice cracking with poison. "I was getting to that, be patient...So eventually I realized it's almost the perfect way to fuck with someone...anddd I was pretty bored so". Epic said as he fixed his ponytail that had been shaken loose from his previous laughing bout, a shit-eating grin on his face, "B-But", Reaper sputtered, "You drank it no problem"!? He said as he pointed an accusing finger at Epic, who just shrugged "Maybe it has to do with i'm not really alive right now, Ya'know'' He said leaning closer and playfully blowing at Reaper's finger, knowing he couldn't touch it and survive, before pulling back and winking, and Oh, wow...that was Cute.

      Reaper blanched, what had he- did he ya'know what he'd ignore this thought, afterall he still had a couple of Questions to ask Epic, and he'd squeeze the answers out if he had too. "Ok so you gave me the so-called 'Chemical X' Just 'cause you were bored",? "Right"? Epic nodded humming, "Ok well how'd you know I wouldn't, like, die"? Epic paused before answering, "Welll, I didn't know for sure it wouldn't kill you...but you had mentioned multiple times before that you were a god, so I just assumed you were immortal and could handle it" Epic said sheepishly, "Now that I say it out-loud, it sounds real Jerk-y...heh, whoops". Sarcasm tainted the words and the sly smirk Epic had on his face told Reaper all he needed to know, huffing he turned away from Epic's watching lavender eye, instead focusing on the center of Judgment Hall. His face suddenly broke out into a wide smile, and from outside perspective it looked like the thing of nightmares, and Unexpectedly the Grim Reaper started to laugh, till his stomach was sore...

    "HAHA Ok, Y'know what ωραίος? Miss.Toriel will be here soon, thanks for the distraction" Reaper said happily, his outburst dying down as he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye, "What the Fuck just happened..."? Was all Epic managed to choke out in confusion, before a brilliant golden light lit up the premises.

     Author's note: Second chapter updates coming out slower than expected so I pushed this chapter into two parts to get a chapter out quickly to you guys, so hope you enjoyed this tiny chapter next one will be out eventually. ;)

Author's note but this one is from the future; Heyyy so uh I know I promised new chapters but The second chapter here didn't sit write with me so I re-wrote, but don't worry chapter 3 The Trial Part.2 will be hopefully tomorrow! Sorry just up and vanishing lol.

-Also I wanted to post some Art of these two idiots but Wattpad is being a bitch and won't let me >:(

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