Hobbies Are Hard

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Encanto or any of the characters or settings that are mentioned in that movie. I am using those characters to create my own head cannon while creating my own characters and settings.

*setting* Our story opens on Luisa in her newly recreated enchanted bedroom as she is trying to figure out how to relax for the first time in her life. She has always had a quick metabolism, so even without the pressure from her family to be working nonstop, she still finds it difficult to sit still for a long period of time. We see her trying to read, trying to draw, trying to write, and even trying to paint, but to no avail.

*Luisa's POV*
I know there's no way relaxing is actually this hard, or why would everyone keep telling me how great it is? I feel as though I've tried everything I can at this point without help. I've learned that reading bores me, and I don't quite have the right kind of imagination for writing. I even tried drawing and painting but all I did was make a huge mess and ruin my favorite white shirt. I want to be helpful and use my gift, but I know that I can't just work all the time, or I will continue to break down. I just have to find the right kind of relaxing activity for me.
"Maybe Mirabel would know something I could do." I say out loud to myself as I often do, "she's had to learn hobbies all on her own since she didn't get a gift like the rest of us did." And with that I get up from my rock-styled desk covered in crumpled papers and paint splatters to go bother my sister for her advice. After all, she's always been pretty good at helping me. As I exit my room, I feel a warm breeze letting me know that my tia Pepa is in a loving mood this afternoon. This revelation gives me hope that my luck will change, and that Mirabel will actually be able to help me. I have seen all of the amazing things she can sew, so maybe I'll start there.
Even though the Encanto gave Mirabel a new room all to herself, I know I won't find her in there. As always I find her walking around our casita trying to see where she can be the most helpful. As I walk up to her I'm hoping that place is with me right now.
"Mirabel!" I accidentally yell.
"Yes?" She questions back to me, trying to hide her giggle, but not succeeding.
"I wanted to ask... well I wasn't sure if... maybe if you weren't too busy-"
"Of course I can help you Luisa!" Mirabel interrupts, knowing how hard it is for me to ask someone else for help. "What is our mission?" She follows up with inquisitively.
"I was wondering..." I start off slowly, "if you could teachmehowtosow!" I finish off quickly, so that the asking-for-help portion of this conversation can finally be over. Mirabel lifts up one eyebrow at me making her glasses shift on her face. She purses her lips together and puts her hand up to her chin. I can almost see the gears turning in her head, although I can't figure out why she could be thinking this hard over what I thought was a simple request. Oh gosh, I hope I didn't overwhelm her! "Unless of course you don't have time right now, or you have something better to-"
"Luisa breathe." She puts her hands on my arms comfortingly, letting me know that my request was reasonable. I breathe a sigh of relief. "Of course I could teach you how to sew. I was thinking though, and I think I might know a better hobby for you, " she says confidently in a way that only she can do. Now I'm nervous.
"What do you mean?" I ask hesitantly. Mirabel perks up and spreads her hands in a very showman-like manner.
"Dancing," she proudly says. She follows this up by crossing her arms with a proud and excited look on her face. Before I can protest she continues, "I've seen you dance before, and I saw how much you were able to express yourself through it! At least give it a try?" She asks looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Ummm," I say nervously, "I will if you're the one doing it with me. I couldn't feel that comfortable with anyone else. You know I'm not ready to be anything but strong in front of the people in town."
"I know..." Mirabel starts while ringing her hands, "But! I know someone in town who loves to dance and she might be willing to help you learn." She knows I won't like this, but I can tell that she means well. She knows me probably better than anyone, so I trust her.
"Fine," I say as I shrug my shoulders, "but if I feel weak can I count on you to be there?"
"Of course sis!" Mirabel exclaims as she gives me a firm and strong(for her) hug.

...To be continued...

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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Luisa Finds LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon