The Island of Sodor/Thomas' Branch Line/Search & Rescue Center/Jobi Logs

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The Island of Sodor is surrounded by beautiful, blue sea. It has fields of green, and sandy, yellow beaches. There are rivers, streams and lots of trees, where the birds sing. There are windmills, a coal mine, and docks where visitors to the Island arrive.

The Island also has lots of railway lines, with engines of all shapes and sizes, working hard to deliver goods and passengers to their destinations. There are branch lines that run along the coast of the Island, serving the docks, fishing villages and many seaside towns. There are branch lines that run to the farms, quarries and ancient castles of the Island's heartland.

And there is the Main Line, which runs from the Big Station at Knapford, on the west side of Sodor to Vicarstown, in the east. From there, the line continues over the Rolling Bridge, where it connects to the Other Railway and beyond.

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On Thomas' Branch Line, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Thomas was making his way to the top station, with Annie and Clarabel. Annie and Clarabel sang as they traveled along, and Thomas even joined in a few times.

When they reached the top station, Thomas saw Sir Topham Hatt waiting on the platform. "Thomas," he said, "you'll be taking a break from your Branch Line for a little while." "Why?" Thomas asked. "There is a new Search and Rescue Center being built on a new part of Duck's Branch Line. I need you to work with Toby and Duck. They need all the help they can get."

"Yes, Sir," said Thomas. "I'll do the best I can, Sir. But what about my Branch Line?" "Percy and Stepney will take care of Quarry duties with Mavis," said Sir Topham Hatt, "and James will take care of the passengers." Thomas was pleased. 

"You'd better get a move on, Thomas," said Sir Topham Hatt. "They'll be waiting for you. "Yes, Sir," chuffed Thomas. He uncoupled from Annie and Clarabel, and headed back down his Branch Line, to the Search and Rescue Center construction site.

* * *

When Thomas arrived at the Construction Site, it was bustling with activity. Cranes clanked, lorries rushed in and out with important supplies, and workmen ran back and forth with their tools. Thomas was very excited. Just then, he saw Duck and Toby. He puffed towards them.

"There you are, Thomas," said Duck. "We're glad you've come to help us," added Toby. "Well, that's what friends are for," said Thomas. "To help them when they're in need." Then, the foreman walked up. "I have jobs for all three of you," he said. "Toby, you're to go to the quarry and collect stone for the main foundation. Duck and Thomas, you're to go to the Docks and collect rails and sleepers for some new sidings." "Yes, Sir," said the engines, and they puffed off to do their jobs.

When Thomas and Duck arrived at the docks to collect their loads, they saw Cranky unloading a ship that had just come in. It was piled high with rich, red logs. Thomas was surprised. "What kind of logs are those?" he asked. "Those are Jobi Logs," puffed Duck. "They say it is very strong, and that no wind can blow it down, or any storm break it." "Not even a hurricane?" Thomas asked. "Not even a hurricane," confirmed Duck. 

Thomas wheeshed with wonder. The Jobi Logs sounded very special. "Will they be used for the Search and Rescue Center?" Thomas asked. "Of course," said Duck. "They'll be used for the main buildings." Thomas was now very excited. I wonder who will pull them to the Rescue Center, he thought. Soon, he and Duck puffed away from the docks, with their respective loads.

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