A Misty Tour/The Logging Camp/Edward

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The Logging Locos showed Thomas all of Misty Island. First, they took him to the seashore. "This is the Misty Island seashore," said Ferdinand. Thomas looked, and saw the beautiful, blue sea. "It's a lovely view," he said. "You'd never see a view like this on Sodor." "There's also plenty of trees to keep you cool in the summer," added Bash. They puffed on.

Next, the Logging Locos took Thomas to a very strange-looking tunnel. "This is the Hollow Tree Tunnel," Dash said. "It was originally our biggest oak tree," said Ferdinand. "But it collapsed one day, and it was cut through the middle so tracks could go through it." "Just like a tunnel!" Bash added. Thomas was surprised. "I've never seen a tunnel like this before!" The Logging Locos led Thomas through the tunnel. "There's also lots of birds that build their nests here," said Ferdinand. Thomas was amazed, and the four engines carried on.

Finally, the Logging Locos took Thomas through a valley. "This is Echo Valley," said Bash. Thomas looked around. "I've been through many valleys on Sodor," he said. "But what's so special about this one?" "From here, you can hear sounds for miles!" Dash explained. "Just listen," said Ferdinand. The Logging Locos blew their whistles as loud as they could, and they echoed through the hills. "Your turn, Thomas!" 

Thomas was a little worried. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Sure as can be," said Dash. "It's fun," added Bash. "That's Right," agreed Ferdinand. Thomas took a deep breath. With a huff and a puff, and a wheesh and a whoosh, Thomas let out the loudest and longest whistle anyone had ever heard! The sound echoed everywhere, and rattled through the Logging Locos' rivets! They were very surprised!

"Wow! That was loud," they said together. "Ah, well," said Thomas, "that's how we do it on Sodor." The Logging Locos were amazed.

* * *

The Logging Locos then took Thomas to the top of a hill. "What are we doing up here?" Thomas asked. "You'll see," said Bash and Dash together. "That's Right," added Ferdinand. With all their puff and all their huff, the Logging Locos whooshed and wheeshed down the hill, cheering all the way. Thomas was surprised. "Bust my Buffers," he cried. "I'd better go after them!"

The slope was very steep. Thomas whizzed down it, and chased after the Logging Locos. Up Thomas whooshed, and down the Logging Locos whizzed! "Whee," whistled Thomas, and "Woo-hoo," the Logging Locos cheered! For Thomas, it was a little scary, but all the same, it was very fun and exciting! Thomas had almost caught up to the Logging Locos. "You three won't get away from me," he whistled playfully. "We'll see about that!" Bash and Dash said together.

Then, the Logging Locos switched tracks. They whizzed down the right track, and Thomas sped down the left. Thomas had lost the Logging Locos, but he couldn't be cross, for he had a wonderful time.

Suddenly, Thomas stopped, and looked around. There were lots of derelict buildings, and strange-looking cranes, and the tracks all joined together in one spot. "What is this place?" he asked. "This is the Misty Island Logging Camp!" The Logging Locos puffed up. "What do you think?" Dash asked. "This is quite the Logging Camp," Thomas said. "Do you have any Logging Camps on Sodor?" Bash asked. "Yes," puffed Thomas, "but not ones like this." "The machinery and building may look old," said Ferdinand, "but they still work a charm." Thomas wheeshed with wonder. Misty Island really is full of strange things, he thought.

* * *

Edward was shunting at Wellsworth Yard, when Percy arrived with Sir Topham Hatt. Edward was surprised to see them, but replied in his kind nature. "Good afternoon, Sir. Is there something you need me to do?" "Yes, there is, Edward," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Thomas is missing, and Percy and I are looking for him. I want you to come and help us in our search." 

Edward smiled his kind smile. "Of course I will, Sir," he said. "I know these rails like I know my own tender." "That's a good engine," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Now, let's go. We haven't a moment to lose."

Sir Topham Hatt climbed aboard Edward, and Edward puffed away, with Percy following behind; the Search for Thomas had just begun!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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