Working Together/North Western Way/Chosen One

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Soon, Thomas and Duck came back with their loads, and shortly after, Toby arrived with his stone trucks. "Well done," said the foreman. "Thank you, sir," replied the engines. "Now," continued the foreman, "let's get started!"

Soon, the construction yard was very busy. The three engines puffed to and fro, coming and going, with their respective loads. Thomas was pushing some flatbeds onto a new siding. He looked out to sea. The water was calm, and the wind was low. Then, suddenly, he saw what looked like a patch of green hills in the distance. He looked again. Nothing. Must've been seeing things, he thought. All of this work is starting to make me light-headed.

* * *

Later, Thomas came to see the foreman. "Excuse me, sir," he said. "Is it true that the Rescue Center is being built out of Jobi Wood?" "Why, of course," said the foreman. "The ship carrying it came earlier today." "I know that," replied Thomas. "But I was wondering, who will be the engine to take it here?" "It all depends on who has been the most useful, reliable and sensible engine," said the foreman. "Only time will tell who that will be." And he walked away to his office. Most Useful? Reliable? Sensible? Now, Thomas really wanted to collect the Jobi Logs. He puffed away and got back to work.

Meanwhile, Duck was shunting some trucks, ready to be taken to the quarry. Suddenly, some flatbeds flew past him. Duck was surprised. Then, he saw Thomas. "Thomas," chuffed Duck, "that's not the Great Western way of doing things." Thomas smirked. "It might not be Great Western," he said, "but it's what I call the 'North Western' way. It helps to get the job done faster, and more to my liking." "Sounds like the wrong way to me," muttered Duck, and he puffed away. Duck didn't like Thomas' way of doing work, but he decided to carry on, regardless.

All the rest of the day, Thomas kept pushing his 'North Western' way onto Duck, which made the Great Western engine very cross. Toby paid no mind to the two engines. They'll get over it soon, he thought. But that was easier said than done. 

That evening, Duck was resting in a siding. It had been a long day, and his quarreling with Thomas made it no better. Suddenly, he saw some trucks hurtling towards him. "Oh no!" Duck quickly moved out of the way, the trucks raced past and bashed into a set of buffers. "Thomas!" Thomas puffed up. "See? That's how you do things the 'North Western' way." Duck puffed away to the shed, and Thomas went back to work.

* * *

The next morning, the foreman came to see the three engines. "The Search and Rescue Center is almost complete," he said. "Now, I must choose one engine to bring the Jobi Wood here from the docks." Thomas was excited. "After a lot of thought," continued the foreman, "I have decided that Duck shall bring the Jobi Wood." "Oh, thank you, sir!" Duck was very pleased. "Well done," said Toby. 

Thomas gasped. "Why not I?" he asked. "You, Thomas," said the foreman, "have been very naughty yesterday, and very irresponsible, with your so-called 'North Western' ways. So, I thought I'd give the job to Duck. At least he's more responsible, and reliable." He turned to Duck. "Duck, you'd better get to the docks right away." "Yes, sir," Duck said, and he puffed away.

Thomas was upset. "Why wasn't I chosen?" "The foreman just told you," said Toby, sternly. "You've acted very irresponsible yesterday, and all because you wanted to collect the Jobi Wood. You just have to accept that Duck was chosen, and not you." And he puffed away to start work again.

Thomas thought for a moment. He had been irresponsible, and his North Western way of doing things made it no better. Maybe, he thought, I should apologize to Duck. Maybe we could take the logs together, and things can be put right again. Thomas was pleased with his decision. He puffed away to find Duck.

* * *

Duck was waiting at a crossing when Thomas found him. "Duck," he said, "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I know now that I was irresponsible, and I want to put things right now." Duck wasn't convinced. "I know your tricks, Thomas," he puffed. "You just want me to hand my job over to you so you can feel better about yourself. It's not going to work this time. I was chosen to do the job, and that's that." Duck puffed away to the docks. 

This made Thomas crosser still. He decided to take matters into his own buffers, and quietly followed Duck...

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