Ch 3: Future Plans

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Rowan woke up with a headache, feeling hot and a little sweaty. She sat up in the bed and tried to remember how she got to her chambers last night and realized she was wearing only her slip. She then saw her dress draped over the chaise by the window. "Ohhhhh! How did this happen?" she asked herself out loud and immediately felt sick to her stomach and afraid of what the answer might be.

After a light knock, Nuella walked in with a simple tray of tea and toast. "Good morning, mellon nin," she said quietly but cheerfully, "How are you feeling today?"

"Not so good," she replied, as Nuella set the tray down on the bed and poured them both a cup of tea.

"Too much wine, I suppose?" Rowan saw that Nuella was suppressing a grin as she sipped her tea and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, yes, you could say that. I don't even remember coming back to my chambers. I have no idea how I got to bed!"

Nuella's grin turned into a full smile as she took hold of Rowan's hand and leaned in closer. In an excited whisper, she said, "the king himself carried you here and put you into bed."


"Yes, my lady, he did."

"How do you know this, Nuella? Does everyone in the palace know? Oh, no! My clothes!"

"The guards on watch told me. They also said that Sorcha and your father were here the whole time, so do not worry."

"I am so embarrassed! What must Thranduil think of me? And what about the guards? By now, everyone in the kingdom must know!"

"The guards will be discreet, Rowan, that I know. Unless they are fools, and I don't think they are. They know that the king would punish them--or even banish them--if they were to freely discuss his majesty's private life--or yours."

"I hope you're right. But the king . . ."

"Don't worry about him. You're not the first elleth he's seen elf drunk."

"I guess not," Rowan said a little dejectedly. "I just wouldn't want him to be embarrassed by his kin."

"You were at a private meal; just be more cautious at public events. In fact, there will be a public dinner in a few nights to introduce you and your father to everyone here. I know that you've met a lot of the elves, but his majesty wants all to know that you and your father are his kin. He also has some type of important announcement to make."

"Oh, dear. A big, public dinner? I can't, I don't like crowds," she said, falling back into her pillows.

"Don't worry, you'll feel differently when the wine wears off. I'll come back and check on you a little later. Bring you some soup, maybe."

Rowan made a face and threw a pillow at Nuella as she walked out the door.

Thranduil sent for Mallorn in the early afternoon.

"Please, sit, uncle," Thranduil offered as Mallorn was shown into the king's study. "I take that cousin Rowan is recovering."

"Yes, nephew, Nuella reports that she is sitting up, talking, and sipping tea."

"Good, good, I know from experience that wine sickness can be more than an annoyance for a young elf, but she really didn't imbibe that much. No doubt, she'll be better prepared next time."

"Yes, Thranduil, I'm sure she will." They both chuckled a little. "I'm glad you could see me today, I--"

Thranduil interrupted him: "Before you begin, Mallorn. Let me tell you what I've been thinking about. With the Fellowship stirring things up, Sauron building up his army, and foreign men encroaching from the east, we are living in an increasingly troubled and unsafe time."

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