Chapter 5

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In the Underworld, Persephone was a force of nature to Hades. Her curiosity shone like sunshine, her easy, graceful movements like a cool breeze, the hum of her voice a gentle rain.

But if Persephone was gentle rain, Demeter was a hurricane. Raging towards him, Hades had no doubt this goddess starved the Earth without a second thought. Humans feared him, he thought, but it was immortals like her they should fear. Fury, panic, and revenge burned into her eyes as she neared them. He had expected no less and steeled himself for the oncoming storm.

Hades held his hand out for Persephone. She took it, hopping off the horse next to him. He didn't think it was possible, but Demeter looked even more enraged, her voice dark and icy.

"Get your hands OFF of her!" Demeter ran up to protect her daughter, startling the horses, and causes them to rear up and whinny loudly. Demeter gasped, grabbing Persephone by the arm and yanking her away as Hades tried to calm the horses, annoyed at the spectacle.

Persephone pulled her arm free, disoriented by the sudden flurry of motion. Demeter composed herself, put her body in front of Persephone, and whirled back around to Hades.

"How dare you come here!" Months worth of anger bubbled up insider her, so much she could hardly focus what to articulate. "Leave now or I will make sure you spend every waking moment in agonizing suffering to pay for what you've done!"

Persephone peered over her mother's shoulder. Hades looked thoroughly unaffected by her mother's words, his expression unmoving and dispassionate. She was impressed; she had never seen anyone hold their ground against her mother. She had long ago learned to pick her battles to placate her, and the nymphs wouldn't dare challenge her on any matter.

"I will gladly leave, but with Persephone with me." Persephone winced; that was definitely the wrong answer.

"If you even think of laying a finger on her..." Demeter grinded out, her voice low and rasping, "I will let every last soul on this Earth die until your kingdom if overflowing with the dead."

The goddess of flowers' jaw dropped, her eyes wide.

"Mother!" she shook at her mother's shoulder, horrified, but Demeter did not budge, her eyes boring into Hades. Despite her clenched fists and tense stance, she could feel her mother shaking. She was furious, but she was afraid; a frightened animal lashing out to protect itself. To protect her.

Hades looked down at the sharp, vicious expression Demeter pointed at him. He had certainly expected anger, but this was unchecked, callous rage. Looking into her eyes, he had no doubt in his mind she meant was she said.

She didn't know it yet, but there was nothing she could do, and he wondered what consequences the Earth was suffer this time as a result. For a brief moment, Hades pitied her. She likely thought she would never see her daughter again when she first left; he at least had come knowing she must return to him.

"Demeter, if you will listen to reason, she must return as she-"

"I will listen to nothing that comes from the mouth of rapist!" she spat at him, tears pooling in her eyes despite her best efforts. Persephone paled and over her mother's shoulder, her gaze briefly met Hades'.

As the dusk sky grew darker, a sudden chill cut through the air, causing her daughter to rub her arms with a shiver. The time for words was over. She knew from experience that there was only one thing the gods would listen to, and it was the wails of dying mortals. And hear it they would.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, causing all three gods to look up. Both Demeter and Hades sighed in relief; Hades glad for someone whose authority she must listen to, Demeter glad to have the one who ordered her daughter back, the one who could outrank him.

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