The boy in flower field

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A/n before we start this!! This is 100% platonic and is not romantic in any way! I'm most likely gonna put little things in bracets (is that what its these are called?) also in Bold, This is my first ever story I've ever writen, so enjoy! :)


Ranboo POV:

I was walking in a Flower field I found, it always brought peace to my mind. I sat down next to a tree and pulled out my memory book and decided I would just look at the shit I've been through

Well that was until I saw someone in the distance, he had brown hair, goat/ram horns, and was wearing a brown and yellow striped shirt with overalls. I guessed he was probably a goat or ram hybrid hence the horns

I saw him looking (and I belive talking) to some bees which surprised me, cause how the hell was he not getting stung?! Well when I got pulled out of my thoughts I realized he was walking over to me

I looked down to try and act like I didn't see him and maybe he'll leave me alone but have things ever worked out how I wanted it? I'll give you a hint, No.

By the time I was almost done panicking he was infont or me, here we go..

The boy talking to bees POV:

I was talking to some bees (I know that sounds wierd, don't judge me you asshole) when I noticed someone else by a tree they were split black and white, their hair the same, they had horns kinda like mine but definitely not ram horns, and they had green and red eyes which I thought was pretty fucking cool

I saw them starring at me but immediately (I spent 5 minutes trying to spell that-) look down when I noticed him. I decided to walk over and maybe make a new friend!

As I was walking Over I saw them holding a little book that I had a little trouble reading but I think it says 'DO NOT READ' unless I'm imagining things- oh well we'll never know till I ask I guess

I walked up to them and I decided to say "Hello!" They then replied with a small "hi" so I came to a conclushion that their shy so I introduced myself first "I'm tubbo! What's your name?" They looked up slightly and replied with "Uh- Ranboo"

Ranboo POV:

The person supposedly named 'Tubbo' Introduced themself, and i replied saying hi and my name, I was thinking on asking about their pronouns but how do I do that?! I don't want them to think I'm gonna talk shit about them!

I got the courage to ask "uhm- what are your pronouns?" it came out a lot quieter then I kinda intended but whatever i think they heard me. They replied with "I go by he/him! What about you?" I got slightly nervous cause I go by he/they but what if he doesn't like that?! I pushed my thoughts aside and came to the conclusion that if he doesn't like it then he can fuck off and so I said "oh- I go by he/they.." he imidiantly (help I know I spelt it wrong) said "OH THATS SUPER COOL-" but I visibly flinched when he yelled, fucking awsome. He imidently said "Oh! I'm really sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" Which I found pretty nice cause he apologized

I replied with a "don't be sorry you didn't mean to" Tubbo then protested a bit saying "well I'm still gonna be sorry I made you flinch! So you're either gonna except my apology and don't say 'don't be sorry' or- uhmm- I'm gonna- I'm gonna- fuck- uhhhh...I'll do something really really bad!" I chuckled a bit raising my hands in mock surrender "okay okay I except your apology" tubbo then asking "can I sit?" gesturing to the spot next to me, I nodded my head and he sat down.

He started picking flowers and I just watched curious

Tubbos POV:

I was picking flowers so I could make flower crowns for me and maybe Ranboo if he wants one, I saw them looking at me picking flowers and asked "Hey Ranboo, want a flower crown? I could make you one if you want" He didn't even take another second to think before he said "Yes!!" But they imidiently added on to what he said, saying "only if you want to make me one tho-" I laughed slightly and said "well I'm the one who asked, I could also teach you!" His face beamed with excitement and they nodded their head very quickly which I only chuckled and gave him some flowers so I could teach him

(TIME SKIP cause I don't know how to make flower crowns 😭✋🏻)

still tubbos POV

After we made a few flower crowns and Ranboo got fairly good at it fairly quickly and he asked me "hey Tubbo could I put the flower crown I made on your head?" And I replied pretty quickly with a "yea!!" And he put it on my head and I asked them to bend down, cause their like 80 feet tall and I'm 5'6, they bent down and I put the crown i made on their head, he smiled and said thank you

He then picked up his book and wrote in it. I didn't look over their shoulder cause maybe it's a private thing

Ranboo POV:

I wrote Tubbos name and stuff about him like what he looks like in my memory book! I also wrote about today in my memory book and tubbo had to go so we said out goodbyes.

A few weeks later they were hanging out again in the field

Still Ranboo's pov:

Me and tubbo were hanging out again, since we never really stopped hanging out after we met, and I asked tubbo if he wanted to watch the sunset with me tonight and he imidently replied with a "OMG YES-" and I laughed at his response

We then parted ways so we could grab blankets and other things we would decided to bring.

(Time skip to before the sunset cause idk what to do till then)

Ranboos POV:

Me and tubbo met up at the tree about an hour or so before sunset and we spent about 20 or so minutes trying to set up the picnic blanket I brought then we tried to make a nest type thing with some normal blankets tubbo brought, that taking about 25 minutes.

We finished setting everything up just in time for the sun to start setting, we sat down and Tubbo rested his head in my shoulder and I rested my head on top of his.

I'm glad I didn't run away that day..cause now I know someone cares for me....At least I think tubbo cares about me-

"You know Tubbo.."
"Yea Ranboo?"
"I'm glad you came up to me.."
"I'm glad I went up to you"

A few moments later

"Wanna make a Promise, Ranboo?"
"Pinky Promise to never leave eachothers sides?"
"I pinky promise"

they then locked pinky's and the promise was set

The Promise was Then never broken...or was it?
Words: 1248 (with the text below)

I found this pretty cute ngl and I'm very proud of myself for this cause I just winged it and whatver came to mind I wrote down! I hope you enjoyed it!

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